If there was one thing you could do today to positively impact everyone you meet, would you, do it?
If there was one thing you could do that would make others appreciate you, would you do it?
If you’re still not sure, how about if the one thing required no expense and no experience, would you do it to help others achieve more success?
The one thing you can do that can have immediate impact on everyone you interact with is to offer encouragement.
For over 15 months, people have felt isolated. In addition to isolation, many people have lost jobs. As the economy re-opens, many are reluctant to return to work. They no longer want to sit in traffic. They realize the family time they were missing. Depression is on the rise. Discouragement is rampant.
The best cure for a loss of confidence is a boost of encouragement. More often than not, we need reminding more than we need lectures. Instead of hearing what we should or need to be doing, we simply need to be reminded of our abilities and past successes.
If the discouraged individual is a beginner, with no past successes to reflect on, encouragement can come in the form of your belief in them. There are no more powerful words than “if I can do it, you can do it.”
If you know someone is struggling with confidence or finding the strength to overcome a situation, encourage them with a reminder of another time when they displayed the confidence and strength needed now. For example, you can say, “Joe, I remember the time you were distraught over your pending divorce. You didn’t think you would make it. Look at you now, you’ve found your true love. You have two beautiful children. If you could make it through that, you can get through a failed business.”
If someone you know is stuck and struggling to take action, encourage them to get in motion. Motion creates emotion. Invite them out for coffee or lunch. Get them out of their normal surroundings. Different environments, fresh air, and good conversations, help people to see things differently. When we change the way we see things, the things we see change.
Every struggle you have experienced, every situation you have overcome, every obstacle you have conquered, are meant to be used for encouragement! Every test you have passed is meant to be used as a testimony. These life experiences can be used to encourage others that they too can overcome and conquer!
If someone you know is struggling with something you have not experienced, share stories of others you know that have made it through a comparable situation to encourage them to act. “I’m sorry to hear about your position being eliminated. The same thing happened to my sister. She took the opportunity to start her own business. With all your experience, I believe you can do the same thing.”
Encouragement isn’t just for individuals going through a tough time. Encouragement should be used to improve performance. This works at home as well as in the workplace.
I personally have never supervised anyone that performed better after being reprimanded and faults pointed out than an employee that just got a pat on the back and a “thank you for trying” even though the attempt was unsuccessful.
As an employee, I can remember times when I wasn’t successful and felt disappointment. I also can remember receiving just a few words of encouragement and acknowledgment of my efforts. In those few seconds, I found myself energized and ready to try again!
Unfortunately, I’ve experienced the same disappointment and received less than complimentary remarks from supervisors. My recollection from those moments is I just wanted to go home.
With children, as well as adults, you can encourage others by reminding them of their abilities. “Johnny, you’re so good at spelling, I know you’ll do well during the Spelling Bee contest.” “Bobby, I’ve seen you do an excellent job cleaning your room. I know you can do better than this.”
The value of encouragement is recognized from early childhood. When our children began to walk, we would encourage them. “You can do it. Come to mommy.” There was never criticism about falling. All the focus was on encouragement.
When we began to learn the alphabet, applause, pats on the back and reminders of “you’re so smart” were handed out like candy on Halloween.
When it came to swimming, riding a bike, throwing, and catching a ball, with each mishap, we were told, “almost”, “you can do it”, “you’re getting better.”
When we became discouraged, others reminded us of their past experiences, like “it took me years to learn” or “I fell at least twice as often as you.” We were told of others’ failures, such as “everyone falls before learning how to ride a bike” or “nobody gets it right the first time.”
In all these scenarios, whoever is instructing the student, encourages by focusing on the positive, emphasizing everyone that tried this before failed until they got it right.
Today, more than ever, people are under-encouraged. Everyone you meet can use encouragement that only you can give.
As you begin this amazing week, keep in mind the words you use make a difference. Your words can be used to build up or tear down. We rationalize our circumstances determine our decisions. In reality, our decisions determine the words we use and our circumstances.
Remember, there is greatness within you. You must choose greatness. It won’t develop on its own. I believe in you!
“Encouragement is oxygen for the soul.” – George M. Adams
Take Action Today!
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Published by Bryan M. Balch, Results Coach
Helping Individuals and Businesses Achieve Desired Results
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