Working with thought leaders on shaping their speaker platform is an incredible privilege. In this candid conversation with master intuitive healer and coach, Keiya K. Rayne, she shares how you can create the life you desire with unexpected ease.

Why is having ease in creating the life you desire so important to well being and health?
Most of us are living under chronic stress which blocks us from connecting to our creativity and accessing universal support. In this state our primary focus is on surviving and getting by. The thought of creating a life we desire is the furthest thing from our mind and feels like an impossible mountain to climb.
I know this all too well, because it was my experience until I came across a little book called “Life Was Never Meant To Be A Struggle” by Stuart Wilde. The title struck a chord with me and I recognized right away how struggling to manifest what I wanted created so much stress, and that if I wanted to achieve my dreams, I needed to shift from a state of stress to one of ease.
The words “ease” and “success” may sound like complete opposites, but they don’t have to be because just as technology has evolved to make tasks less burdensome, many are awakening to a more holistic and wholesome approach to fulfilling their soul desires.
Creating a life we desire requires patience, creativity, clarity, vitality, passion, trust and play, and the only way to access these energies is through a state of ease.
There are many tools and techniques to assist us in experiencing this state. However, one the most popular, and effective is meditation.
A little-known benefit of cultivating ease to create the life we desire is that it enables us to become magnetic — drawing the ideal people, opportunities and circumstances to us rather than using hard work alone. If that’s not a stress reducer, then I don’t know what is.
I’ve also found during over 15 years of coaching my clients to cultivate and infuse the energy of ease in everything they do, that this dramatically increased their sense of joy, peace and overall well-being, as well as manifested their desires in record time.
You are a master intuitive healer. Are we all somewhat intuitive? And how can we tap into it more effectively in order to have more alignment in our mind, body and spirit?
We’re multidimensional beings, so it’s fair to say that we’re all intuitive. It’s an innate gift that we all possess to various degrees. The only difference between those who have access to it and those who don’t is intention and a desire to develop it.
We can tap into our intuition more effectively by first being aware that it exists and trusting the inner nudges and guidance we receive. How often have you felt pulled to go somewhere or do something but ignored it, only to find out later that by not trusting you missed out on something really spectacular, or quite the opposite.
Over 20 years ago while attending massage school, I had the honor of meeting Yolanda King, daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King. During our session I kept receiving information from him to share with her. Unfortunately, because I lacked the confidence and didn’t trust what I received, I neglected to share it with her even though she sensed a deep connection between us. We parted ways and promised to stay in touch.
A few years went by and I felt a strong urge to reach out to her, but made every excuse as to why I couldn’t. Within a week of receiving this nudge I received news that she died from a heart attack. I vowed in that moment to never ignore or downplay any guidance I received.
A little while later a series of synchronistic experiences confirmed for me that the information coming through for Yolanda was indeed from Dr. King.
Ultimately, our intuition serves as an internal GPS equipped with all the wisdom and knowledge we need to guide and assist us in all aspects of our lives, as well as to be a beacon of light and support for others. It’s through harnessing and developing our connection to our intuition that we’ll have more alignment in mind, body and spirit.
Make it a practice to honor the information and guidance you receive. Trust and take action, no matter how small or inconsequential it may seem — it’s how you’ll start to build confidence and soon witness the evidence of your knowing.
How can leaders today perform at a higher level while also maintaining homeostasis?
When most people think of high performance, it’s usually in the context of what actions can be taken. I’d like to introduce a different perspective. I believe all leaders are a channel for the greater good, whether they’re intentional about it or not. When this idea is embodied and understood, then homeostasis can be maintained with greater ease.
From this perspective, you’re operating at a level of alignment with a force greater than yourself, and this can be leveraged to empower, inspire, transform and achieve a greater success than you could by hard work alone.
The most important work of the day is to develop and maintain a connection with that force as much as possible through mindfulness, meditation, reflection and directing the focus inward rather than outward.
This is a time when leaders are being invited to work wiser, not necessarily smarter or harder, to go beyond the logical mind and bring forth innovative, cutting-edge, higher awareness solutions to meet the demands of the complex challenges facing the world today.
This cannot be achieved without homeostasis, which is the key to unlocking this level of mastery and wisdom.
What would you say to a CEO who’s leading a team and leading a home?
Leading a team and a home can be highly challenging, but also stressful, and to execute both effectively and successfully it’s important, as we discussed before, to create a sense of balance. From this place of centeredness you’ll be able to inspire your team, your kids, your spouse to not only do more, but also be more.
There’s no question that the global pandemic, inclusivity and diversity became unexpected change agents creating chaos for families and companies alike. Particularly for CEOs whose work at the office served as a reprieve from their home life (or vice versa) was now finding themselves confined to one place and being forced to manage their lives and businesses in an entire new way.
Despite these challenges, I believe this is an opportune moment in time for inviting leaders to embrace a more holistic approach and explore running their companies in a more harmonious way with compassion, empathy and a genuine desire to connect with their team and those at home on a deep level.
While investing one’s time and energy on being centered and creating deeper connections may not seem productive to a busy CEO, becoming aware of and embracing the power of balance is going to be the practice that will have the greatest impact on your bottom line and overall success personally and professionally.
Keiya K. Rayne has been a master intuitive, for more than 15 years helping clients release energetic blocks and dismantle their limiting beliefs so they are able to create a relationship business and life they absolutely love, with clarity, confidence and unexpected ease.
She’s a TEDx speaker, The Big Talk Academy certified speaker. Most recently, Keiya spoke at the United Nations NGO Commissions On The Status of Women. You can also find her work featured in multiple online publications including The Native Influence and The Daily Positive.
Keiya is a certified Law of Attraction Coach, Licensed Minister of the Universal Life Church and a recipient of The White House President’s Volunteer Service Award for her humanitarian work, domestically and globally.