It starts with you…..
What does this mean, Laureen? I have been scarred. Tested. Hurt. Beat down. How do I forgive? The simple answer; it is a choice. Even in the most desperate of situations, we can choose to forgive. Trust me. I’ve done it.
When we choose to forgive, the first person we need to forgive is ourselves. Yes, forgive yourself first. Reach deep into your soul and recognize that we all tend to carry the weight of unforgiveness of self. Why did I let this happen? What did I do to create this? Why did I allow someone to define my peace and happiness? Forgive yourself! You are human, created with the free will to choose. Sometimes we make a wrong choice. The good news is that for every wrong choice, we learn and grow. Without these instances, we would remain complacent. Embrace the choices you made, learn from them, and redefine your belief system. It starts there.
Once you forgive yourself. Freedom avails. The freedom to get back up and forgive those in our lives that hurt us; personally, professionally. Once you can do this. Abundance ensues. Abundance that stems from a place of peace and understanding that no one can define you, but you.
Not everyone will see your amazingness. That is okay. You see it. Thrive on it. Continue on your journey from a good place. A place of inner strength and fortitude that you choose to create. Those who are meant to be in your life will find you by following the light that you shine in the world.
Don’t hide your light under a bushel basket. Shine for all to see. This is the new beginning and it starts with the act of self forgiveness.
#forgiveness #selfawareness #thriveglobal #arianahuffington #mindset