Never would I have thought that I would be running the business of my dreams only doing the work I LOVE and I get to do it on my terms.
How did I get here? I had to change or die.
Let me explain.
I became extremely ill to the point of literally being days from death in 2008.
My doctor discovered that I was born with a small liver. This meant that my liver has to work harder to get rid of toxins in my body.
To make matters worse, I wasn’t the healthiest person at the time. I abused drugs, I barely slept, and didn’t eat the right foods or no food at all.
My doctor instructed me to go home, go to bed, and stay there until I was better. I laughed because I had a family to take care of. He told me that it was the only way my body would bounce back.
That meant I had to make a decision to change. I didn’t want to. I guess I wanted to wallow in what was familiar to me for a little longer.
I knew that I had to eat right, sleep, and refrain from putting toxic things into my body.
I had to change or die.
I underestimated how long it would actually take for my body to heal.
I had been on bed rest for half a year. I drained my savings, retirement, and paid leave to financially get by.
Even though my ex worked two jobs, it wasn’t enough to get the important bills paid. I couldn’t go back to my job because I was still extremely ill.
I felt helpless, scared, and useless. I knew I had to figure out another way to not end up homeless.
It’s amazing how your mind will come up with brilliant ideas, when change is forced upon you.
In 2008, I built my first online business from the ground up while on mandatory bed rest for almost a year!
I didn’t have prior experience, knowledge, or connections in the entrepreneurial world.
My near death experience allowed me to discover a new world of possibilities and live a different life as an entrepreneur.
A wonderful life of selflessness, love, and freedom.
It snapped me out of a life of drug abuse, pain, misery, and unhappiness.
I don’t regret the things that I’ve done in the past.
I’m forever grateful for my wake up call because I wouldn’t have grown into the woman I am today.
It’s been 12 years since I started my journey as an entrepreneur. Life is completely different for me now.
The women I work with are visionaries, high achievers, driven and strive for more! They’re not afraid to do the work to create an incredible life and business for themselves.
They trust me enough to share some of their most vulnerable moments.
I don’t take that trust for granted.
There are days when I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.
Currently I live in one of my dream destinations doing the things that excite me– inspiring, motivating, and educating women around the world design their entrepreneurial dreams!
I won’t settle for anything less.
And neither should you.
I’m sure you’re familiar with the saying, “The only thing constant is change.” No matter how hard you try, you can’t stop it.
You already know that your life can’t stay the same forever. Even though you know this, it can seem a little overwhelming when it happens.
The very thought of changing can make a person uneasy. That’s why a lot of people will remain in the same mental place until they’re forced to change.
Instead of being repelled by change, it would be so much easier to just go along for the ride and let change benefit your life.