For those who enjoy playing tennis, what are they supposed to do during the coronavirus government-mandated lockdowns? While each country has different rules (some allow for outdoor play whereas others do not), even in the most stringent countries there are still ways to engage in the sport – or come up with similar alternatives – without breaking any rules. Here are some ideas that are easily implementable for everyone.
1. Play a Game at Home
Playing at home is a good way to practice one’s game and improve skill. No extra space is required. No outdoor gear is needed. And indeed, even those who do not have a tennis racket can partake in this option. Just find something around the house that is circular and has a stick attached to it (frying pans, fly swatters, old brooms, etc.), get a ball and start playing. The wackier the tools, the more fun will be had! Get the kids involved too.
2. Play a Socially-Distanced Game
It is quite hard to get more socially-distanced than playing a game of tennis! Arrive at the game masked up, indeed, but once playing, this is perhaps one of the safer options during these times. First, one is running around a lot so there is no time to breathe on someone else. Second, the players are placed more than six feet away from each other. And third of all, it is outdoors where it has been shown the coronavirus spreads far less.
3. Play with Your Family
This is a great time to get the family into tennis! Those who are living together can play together anywhere and not increase the risk of being exposed to coronavirus. This truly is a perfect opportunity to get the rest of the family onboard!
During coronavirus times it is even more important to stay fit and active. Do not let fears of catching the virus come in the way of that; just find safe methods to engage