Have you ever wondered the real meaning of “I’m fine!”? Pause, pause…

“I’m fine” is the consequence of stigma. Most who suffer from even average emotional challenges are all too often shunned in society. So much so that going untreated and not shared with others will often grow worse.

Other unhealthy ways like alcohol and drugs will be the outlet. And why we as intelligent humans allow this to happen?

We are not open to what is considered a scary and uncomfortable conversation for most. In fact a trigger for others who need to talk in a safe place.

Once untreated serious depressive symptoms appear, suicide becomes a much higher risk, especially for white males in 70s. Find out why?

Please think about the unintended consequences. Ask yourself if your friend, loved one or colleague needs help. Just listen and build trust, no hurry. Take a Mental Health FirstAid USA class. You can make a difference and save lives…

Judy and Steve Sparks, SparksAssociates, “Building Healthy Communities w/Love.”
