Sheltering in place during the Covid-19 pandemic, my coffees with current and ex-students (entrepreneurs, as well as employees early in their careers) have gone virtual. Pre-pandemic these coffees were usually about what startup to join or how to find product/market fit. Though in the last month, even through Zoom I could sense they were struggling with a much weightier problem. The common theme in these calls were that many of them were finding this crisis to be an existential wakeup call. “My job feels pretty meaningless in the big picture of what matters. I’m thinking about what happens when I can go back to work. I’m no longer sure my current career path is what I want to do. How do I figure it out?”
Here’s what I’ve told them.
In a Crisis – An Opportunity to Reflect
If you’re still in school, or early in your career, you thought you would graduate into a strong economy and the road ahead had plenty of opportunities. That world is gone and perhaps not returning for a year or more. Economies across the world are in a freefall. As unemployment in the U.S. passes 15%, the lights are going off in companies, and we won’t see them back on for a long time. Some industries will never be the same. Internships and summer work may be gone, too.
But every crisis brings an opportunity. In this case, to reassess one’s life and ask: How do I want to use my time when the world recovers?
What I suggested was, that the economic disruption caused by the virus and the recession that will follow is one of those rare opportunities to consider a change, one that could make your own life more meaningful, allow you to make an impact, and gain more than just a salary from your work. Perhaps instead of working for the latest social media or ecommerce company or in retail or travel or hospitality, you might want to make people live healthier, longer and more productive lives.
I pointed out that if you’re coming out of school or early in your career you have an edge – You have the most flexibility to reevaluate you trajectory. You could consider alternate vocations – medical research or joining a startup in therapeutics, diagnostics, medical devices, or digital health (mobile health, health IT, wearable devices, telemedicine, and personalized medicine). Or become an EMT, doctor or nurse. Or consider the impact remote learning has had in the pandemic. How can you make it better and more effective? What are ways you might help to strengthen organizations that help those less able and less fortunate?
Here are the steps you can take to get started:
Use the customer discovery methodology to search for new careers.
- Start by doing some reading and research, looking to the leading publications in the field you’re interested in learning more about. News sources for Digital Health and Life Sciences are different from software/hardware blogs such as Hacker News, TechCrunch, etc.
If you’re interested in learning more about a career in Life Sciences, start reading:
- Medgadget– medical technology blog
- MobiHealth News
- Science Daily – medical research news
- NEJM Frontiers in Medicine – New England Journal of Medicine
- FierceHealthIT, FierceBiotech, FierceMedtech
- Medcity News – news about the business of healthcare innovation
- MDDI+QMED – Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry
- In the Pipeline – commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry
- Xconomy – news and trends in life science
- CBInsights – Startups in health
- Reddit – search for topics of interest
If you’re thinking about educational technology start by reading EdSurge
And if you’re thinking about getting involved in social entrepreneurship, read The Stanford Social Innovation Review as well as the social entrepreneurship sections of publications like Entrepreneur, Inc., Fast Company and Forbes.
- Get out of the building (virtually) and talk to people in the professions you’re interested in. (People on the front-line of the Covid-19 fight (e.g. first responders, health care workers) might be otherwise engaged, but others in the field may be available to chat.) Learn about the job, whether they enjoy it and how you can get on that career track.
- Get out of the building physically. If possible, volunteer for some front-line activities. Think about internships in the new fields you’re exploring.
- If you’re thinking of starting a company, get to know the VC’s. They are different depending on the type of startup you’re building. Unlike in the 20th century where most VC’s financed hardware, software and life sciences, today therapeutics, diagnostics, and medical devices, are funded via VC firms that specialize in only those domains. Digital health crosses the boundaries and may be founded by all types of firms. Get to know who they are.
Some of the Life Science VC blogs and podcasts:
- Rock Health News – digital health VC news
- LifeSciVC – Bruce Booth Atlas Ventures
- A Healthy Dose – Bessemer Partners Podcast
- The Long Run – Biotech Podcast
For edtech the VC firm to know is Reach Capital
- Inexpensively pivot your education into a new field. An online education could be a viable alternative to expensive college debt. Coursera, EdX and ClassCentralhave hundreds of on-line classes in medicine, health and related fields. Accredited universities also offer online programs (see here.) If you’re in school, take some classes outside your existing major (example here.)
My advice in all of these conversations? Carpe Diem – seize the day.
Now is the time to ask: Is my work relevant? Am I living the life I really wanted? Does the pandemic change the weighting of what’s important?
Make your life extraordinary.
Lessons Learned
- Your career will only last for 14,000 days
- If you’re still in school, reconsider your major or where you thought it was going to take you
- If you’re early in your career, now is the time to consider what it would take to make a pivot
- In the end, the measure of your life will not be money or time. It’s the impact you make serving God, your family, community, and country. In the end, our report-card will be whether we left the world a better place.
Steve Blank writes about innovation and entrepreneurship at