Nader Sabry the author of the bestseller Ready, Set, Growth Hack: A beginner’s guide to growth hacking success is all set to revolutionize business with his insights, tools, and adroitness.
In an excerpt from the interview, Sabry talks about growth thinking, the growth hacking challenge, unicorn startups, and much more.
Your first book was a chef-d’œuvre of sorts. Tell us something about the book that followed?
It’s called Growth thinking: think, design, growth hack – a designed approach to growth hacking. Statistically, less than one per cent of businesses, companies, and startups enter the growth phase after the initial launch phase, but a systematic and creative approach to growth changes everything. Growth Thinking brings a new perspective, therefore, changing the way the organizations flourish. This book brings out insights on how to expand, both your horizontal and vertical horizons, exponentially.
What is the 10-day Growth Hacking Challenge? It sounds intriguing.
This challenge is designed to accelerate a mere entrepreneurial whim into action and growth in a wink. The challenge focuses on the contender’s active problem areas. Once identified, 3 growth hacks are implemented by each contender over 10 days for the rectification of these growth stunts.
The words of an entrepreneur and innovator of your stature would be helpful to budding entrepreneurs out there. What do you have to say for them?
I’ve worked as a strategist and as an entrepreneur in NASA space technology but none of that compares to the joy that I get from helping young businesses grow and reach their full potential. Even unicorns need wings and I’ve got them for everyone who aspires to fly. I’d suggest young, business minds work with passion and always have a vision. They can always learn where to start by reading one of my books.
To know more about the “10-day growth hacking challenge” –
Check out Nader Sabry’s website-