The body and mind are closely connected with each other and therefore they need to work together to bring about full efficiency in anything we do. So here are a few ways how we can increase the working power of our mind and make it fresh and disease-free:
A healthy body gives strength, stability, and clarity to thoughts and keeps it clean, energetic and alert.
The subsequent activities now not handiest preserve our frame match, however also ward off despair, increase the temper and help brisk wondering. consequently:
- Exercise daily. Do yoga and pranayam.
- Take a morning walk for 20-30 minutes.
- Breathe fresh air.
- Get good sunlight.
- Sleep well. A well-rested mind is able to perform with much better speed and efficiency.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Eat well and eat healthy. Avoid intake of tobacco, gutka, pan masala, etc., it is a myth that these help the mind in any way.
- Play outdoor and indoor games.
- Practice discipline and normality in your daily routine.
A sharp mind is able to figure out problems with clarity and it helps make wise and timely decisions. To clear the fog of exhaustion that clouds our mental abilities: - Practice concentration. Chant the name of God you believe in; but while you chant, make it a practice to see each letter of the words you chant with your closed eyes. This clears the impurities that get in way of a clear mind, and thus helps you focus, concentrate and grasp things speedily.
- Maintain a learning attitude. Keep learning throughout life. Don’t let the student inside you ever die
- Try multitasking. Indulge in activities that demand doing multiple things at a time, to the extent you can manage well.
A jumpy, sleepy, negative or angry mind drags us behind in life. Practicing the following results in a balanced mind: - Discipline your mind. Running after 5 sense pleasures weakens the mind. Make a healthy use of technology. Over-usage of mobile, internet and other gadgets paralyses the mind.
- Align your thoughts, words and actions such that they always flow in one i.e. the right direction.
- Be positive. Positivity is our friend and negativity a foe.
– Make an effort to see positive in everyone and everything.
– Encourage positivity in and around you.
– Do not be judgemental about everything; if it is a must, give judgement in favour of positive.
– Do not criticize anyone – be it people, things or situations, this results in good peace of mind
– Do not complaint about anything. Adopt the principle of ‘Adjust Everywhere’ and you will have a smooth sailing wherever you go.
– Do not keep bad company. Keep a strong mind and avoid bad company. - Give happiness to others. Take good care of your family and your loved ones. When you give happiness, you get happiness. And a happy mind is always a fresh and powerful mind.
- Volunteer to help people. Keep a strong intention to selflessly help everyone you meet, without any greed for name, fame or recognition, and see how this energies your mind!
- Never hurt anyone. Maintain a constant internal intent to never cause hurt to any living being through your thoughts, words or actions. This will keep your mind disease-free.
- Practice seeing God i.e. the Pure Soul, within every living being that you see -in people of course, but also in trees, plants, birds, insects, etc. This is the one force that connects us with the entire world!!
- Sit with your Self. Do not think about anything; just observe what is happening within.
- Meditate. Meditation clears off the unnecessary clutter inside, and thereby increases the working power of our mind. It cuts down all stress and gives our mind due rest.
The closing meditation is the powerhouse; inside the presence of which our mind functions at its pleasant, stays ever-fresh, in no way contracts any disease and is usually at complete ease. the ultimate meditation happens when we are in cognizance of the soul with all its properties, in the moment.
The soul is our actual self and it has numerous properties, the 4 most important ones being limitless understanding, limitless imaginative and prescient, infinite strength and countless bliss! it’s miles simplest after self-attention (when we recognize, i’m certainly a natural soul), that the final meditation becomes feasible.
Until our mind gets irritated at the slightest instigation, it is not said to have come under our control and such mind has very limited working power. It is only when Gnani, whose Soul is enlightened and has the power to enlighten others’ Soul, bestows the knowledge of the Soul – the knowledge of our real Self upon us (Self-Realization), that we cease to become one with our mind.
Therefore, Self-Realization is the key! And for that, we ought to meet Gnani, without whose grace, we can’t know our real Self, and remain separate from our mind, to enhance the working power of mind!!!