Too many times throughout our lives, we are told to hide our emotions and behave with a smile on our faces. We become accustomed to hiding any feelings that may be exploding inside our minds once we reach adulthood, forcing us to look and ‘appear’ like everything is going swimmingly.
This suppression of natural feelings and emotions can take a toll on a person over-time, especially in 2021. With all of the things we are feeling, the anxieties we are bearing, and the hurt we are embracing as we do our best to process everything going on, it has never been more important to be human and embrace your emotions.
In fact, our emotions are a natural guiding force in our mind that are there for a reason. The emotion of fear is there to help you avoid certain situations and prioritize survival. The emotions of anger, hurt, and rejection are there to help you decipher if a certain person or situation is dangerous or not. Both negative and positive emotions are there to help you stay alive, even if our society encourages you to suppress them.
By embracing all of the emotions that traverse your mind, you can recognize and accept their transience, evolving into your most productive and content self. It’s not an easy thing to do when our understanding of emotions is so narrow, causing us to watch them come-and-go without any thought or consideration. But, when we finally decide to embrace these emotions, study them, and understand them, that is when we can reach our fullest growth potential.
Growth Starts with Emotional Understanding
Many people want to commit themselves to growing in 2021. They felt that 2020 was a stagnant year of mania and simple survival. With 2021 at our footsteps, people want to commit themselves to embracing their feelings while also growing as a person. Our emotions are the keys to the locks of our future, helping us to know where we’ve come, what we feel right now, and where we want to go. Therefore, growth starts with emotional understanding.
No one understands this with more rawness than musical artist and up-and-coming cultural influence, India Dupriez. Through the lens of musical art, India has been encouraging listeners to own and love every inch of themselves for months, using carefully crafted electronic-pop sounds, synths, and lyrics to tug on heartstrings.
This concept of personal growth through emotions has never been more prevalent than in her new single, Holding On. Released on January 8th, Holding On challenges listeners to be human, feel, and grow. It also reminds everyone that nobody is alone, even if we feel like that sometimes.
“This song is for every single person on the planet,” said India. “I want everyone to know no matter what has happened to them, they can be healed, and they can blossom into all that they were meant to be. We have to stick together, now more than ever.”
At just 17-years-old, India is a rising star in the world of pop music, with celebrated 2020 singles of Kiss & Tell, and How. India’s unique, earth-shaking voice is helping listeners everywhere to reacquaint themselves with their emotions and their uncharted souls.
For more information, or to listen to Holding On today, visit: