With more businesses and personalities sprouting each day, getting the attention of consumers can sometimes be a hard thing to do. International speaker and PR agency owner, Jay Jay, shares some insights on how to get attention in the marketplace today.
Jay Jay has spoken in over 30 countries for the last 15 years to those who are interested in finding their places in the market.
Here’s are some tips on how to get the market’s attention:
“Before anyone starts to spend any money on their brand, I always ask them to show me your work. A lot of the times, when I see their social or their online presence, it’s not clear, or worst, there is no content,” Jay Jay said.
To gain attention, he said that brands need to share with the public who they are, what they do, and how they can help others.
He added that one of the ways to do this is to start by posting each day and telling the world about the brand.
“You should be proud of who you are and what you do. The easiest, simplest, and no-cost way is to start by using social media and create some content,” he said.
From Magician to PR Agency Founder
Jay Jay started his career as a magician where he grew the top magic Youtube channel in the world with over 50 million views seen in over 150 countries.
Realizing the art of deception wasn’t his true calling, he left his bag of tricks to host TV shows in Asia and run nightclubs, and then moved to the United States where he engages and inspires corporations and personal brands about getting and taking their career to the next level.
In 2020 after the world was put on hold, he started his own PR agency where he helps personal brands and companies get their message, as well as the influence and the attention they need to get people to like them faster, trust them faster, and buy from them faster.
Just Keep Going
As he makes his way through life with his chosen careers, Jay Jay keeps on going no matter the circumstances.
“It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what you look like, or what happened to you in the past, the most important thing right now is ‘are you doing something each day to get yourself to the next level?’ Freezing doesn’t help you. Just keep moving, keep going, keep asking questions,” he said.
But despite his progressive view of life, Jay Jay faces big issues in life by taking a step back to analyze the situation.
“Sometimes we are just so involved in our business. Taking a step back is what I need, or just sleeping on the problem and tackling it in the morning. If I still can’t figure it out, I always ask an unbiased person I trust, as I get the real solution to an issue,” he said.
Get to know more about Jay Jay by visiting @JayJayLive