“Is it always so easy to speak your mind without having to think twice?”
“How are they doing that? I also want to do that.”
“Why is it even happening with me?”
“Oh no! I just want to escape from here.”
Those are the thoughts that frequently run through the mind of an introvert, or the ones lacking expressiveness (there is nothing wrong with that though). Well, you see, it is not so simple for a shy person to suddenly start interacting even after so many tries and missed chances. Those missed chances may be long gone, but the subject and regret of not speaking up linger in mind.
But that obviously is not the same with every individual in a similar situation. A reserved person, while in a personal and professional setting, may behave and act differently depending upon the circumstantial demand.
Every reserved person or introverts are also unique, and they too have their own preference and perspective of looking at things and expressing differently. Thus, here I am, to suggest a few ways or methods to help the reserved ones express themselves more in better ways, or rather to say, how to use your ideas and thoughts in a more beneficial way.
1. Talk to close ones more
First and foremost, talking to closed ones, either friends or family is the first thing that should be accomplished as an introvert. As compared to extroverts, introverts tend to have or rather, prefer to have small circles of friends.
Even if you are a part of a bigger group, your openness will be limited to the closed ones only. Being an introvert myself, I repeatedly get to hear “please! talk more”, or “speak up”. But, the thought process just does not work like that in a jiffy, right!
There needs to be more patience and less aggressiveness when dealing with introverts. So, when you are trying the best you can to express your emotions genuinely, ask the other party to not make interruptions, no urgency, and to be more understanding.,
2. Maintain a journal
Diaries, scrapbooks, memoirs, etc., are the basic items that everyone has as a child or when growing up has at least tried to maintain one. Maintaining a diary is the most traditional and physical method of recording our memories since the good old days. It is more of a personal one. But friends, now we can have our own virtual journal which can be accessed wherever we are, such as WordPress. It is a software where you can create your own platform and share your thoughts.
Creating a virtual journal is beneficial as a learning tool too; for instance, you can enjoy writing blogs on WordPress using some of the best WordPress themes. Some may think that writing journals are as easy as copying notes. But for your kind information, jotting down your daily life experiences and thoughts in words is not everyone’s cup of tea.
For introverts, if not all, it is the easiest way to release all those pent up emotions and ideas in your own words (or language), if you want to. Having a journal is the most constructive method to express.
3. Use a virtual friend
Are you finding it hard enough to go along with people around you? Well, it’s not a big deal, though. In this era of internet and technology, the virtual world of games and social media can be a blessing for introverts. You may not be so expressive in real life, but that’s definitely not the same case when online too, right? If it is, then my friend, you seriously need to gear yourself up now. It’s relatively simpler to be more open through a virtual network.
Whenever you log-in to any of your social media accounts, there’s a highly likely chance of you to come across a few snaps, videos, quotes, or memes which you relate to and also others with whom they relate. You may also find gamers with the same interest. Thus, then and there, you are going to find your own virtual set of friends in the comfort of your home.
4. Turn your thoughts into inspirations
Maintaining a journal and turning thoughts into something which others may like are completely different. If you have the interest and are good with words, then writing stories, quotes, poems, the prose would not be a difficult task to do. You can turn your life experiences into short stories, with morals (if any), which could inspire the readers.
You can write quotes that others could relate to. If you cannot say anything directly or is not able to in person, then try blending it out through a poem. A poem is always inspiring and beautiful to the person trying to connect with.