Being a perfectionist has its perks. I mean, a keen attention to detail and setting high expectations for yourself and others is great, until it’s paralyzing or robs you of any amount of pleasure in your life.
Have you ever been stuck in the pros/cons analysis around making decisions, and there’s just no obvious right answer? So then you sit on the decision, it clouds your brain, day after day, and you only end up making a decision because of a deadline or someone else in your life forces you to? Then you question the decision and remain in a state of worry that you made the wrong decision.
Or maybe it’s a project you’re working on, and in reality, it’s good enough(!!!) but you’re not sending it out until every detail is “perfect” and you end up spending SO MUCH extra time on it. I have this problem with my weekly emails (I’m workin on it:)).
This can be an awful, all-consuming cycle that robs you of pleasure, quality sleep, peace of mind, and zaps your energy.
BUT, it doesn’t have to be this way. You have the power to change and free yourself from perfectionist tendencies!
The next time you find yourself waffling, spinning between this decision or that, try these 3 steps instead:
- Step away from the problem you want to solve: For at least a few minutes, think about something completely different (ideally not another problem, so go read an interesting article or take a walk outside or meditate).
- Reframe your mindset: Bring your thoughts back to the problem you’re trying to solve. Tell yourself that there is no universally “right” answer to solving any problem, and if you end up in a pickle as a result of the decision you make, you will get yourself out of it. Navigating conflict and uncertainty is key for growth – it’s how you recover from challenge that makes you successful, not avoiding challenges entirely.
- Write down 3 things you can do to start clarifying the right answer for you: Here are some ideas…
- Who can you use as a sounding board? You never have to solve a problem on your own, EVER! Even if you’re a solo-preneur, you’re never alone.
- What is the ideal outcome you’d like to see as a result of making this decision? What key points are most important to deliver?
- What scares you most about making this decision? What’s the worst thing that could happen if you don’t receive your desired result?
- How have you navigated conflict successfully before? It may have been a miserable process, accept that it doesn’t have to be as bad in the future.
What decisions are you trying to make? Share in the comments where you’re feeling stuck… or let’s talk to help you gain clarity!