I have been creating and teaching others how to create their own vision boards since a few years. I know and have thrived in the power of it. So, like always, I conducted my vision board workshop towards the end of December and I had mine all ready by new year’s eve. Such a proud moment! This time I decided to make not one or two but three of them. One was for my personal life, the other was for my health (#cancersurvivor) and the third was for the budding solopreneur in me. Amazing job girl!
Well, not really. Within a few days of creating them I actually sensed a feeling of stress. I realized I kept thinking ‘how do I achieve this?’ and ‘am I doing enough?’ and ‘what was I thinking?’. The fact that I had one of them staring at me every night in my bedroom did not help even a bit. These thoughts were within one week of 2021! I knew I had to do something. I then remembered the word Microsteps. Microsteps are really micro steps – making changes that are too small to fail. I loved the idea. I did not want any more stress!
What do I now do? I take a microstep every day. I look at one of the images on one of my vision boards either the previous night or the mornings, and reflect on what is the small step I can do that day to support the emotion I want to create through the image. At the end of the day, I journal or at least make a quick note of whether I managed to do it and if not, why? I must say, it has worked amazingly well so far. The additional benefit – I have a good night’s sleep and wake up with excitement to see what it is I want to create for the day that is on my vision board! Making a vision board is one thing. Not getting intimidated by it is an entirely different ball game!
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