I don’t think the cheese stands alone when I say that 2020 has been one hell of an episode of The Twilight Zone and just when we think it can’t get more strange, boom! Something more ridiculous occurs. I stopped saying, “I’ve seen it all” about two months ago.
With that being said, we (professionals, moms, wives, etc) need to find a way to keep form losing our minds. Our past creative and social outlets have changed substantially. I’m sorry but Zoom calls all week just isn’t the same. I’m not even a social / extrovert type and I’ve got a bad case of cabin fever. Furthermore, I feel like I am just treading water in a big vast ocean at night. I’ve lost my purpose for a number of reasons even before COVID19 and the political unrest the US has experienced over the past few months.
I’m a tenacious son of gun though. I have days when I don’t want to get out of bed…I mean what’s the point? That’s not my personality…or at least it wasn’t until the last several months. That’s called depression.
The way I find my creativity and grab back onto my purpose involves cocktail of an approach– one that involves possibly going to visit a doc and getting on meds if it that’s what the situation calls for, getting outside of my house and my own head, picking up my Bible and praying even if all I can say is “Thank you God for the breath I breath in and breath out each day”. I start to foster a sense of gratitude even if I can only do baby steps. I then step away (like outside of my house) and stop doing what I have been doing whether that is sleeping all day or working on projects or my company and not making any ground. When I start to experiencing diminishing returns with whatever I am doing, it’s time to stop.
Some of the things I do that helps me change perspective outside of seeking professional help which is completely top of the list include this short (and somewhat silly sounding) list of activities. Remember there is no shame in seeking professional help. If someone shames you for it, they need to be part of what changes in your situation.
- Get Outside. Even if I just walk around my little neighborhood, I feel 100 %. Sometimes I do it several times a day because it’s darn hot here in San Antonio, Texas.
- Pinterest. This is one of the silly decompressing activities. I love picking out outfits. I used to tell my business partner, Melissa Pucino, after dealing with real life tragedy at the Green Beret Foundation, that I was going home to Pinterest for no less than two hours to decompress. It doesn’t need to be Pinterest. The point is to cause your mind to switch gears and start tracking something that gives you peace and joy.
- Meditate | Pray. If you don’t have time to meditate or pray at least once a day, that’s part of the problem. Believe me when I say, I have been there. I had so much anxiety and was so bogged down, I couldn’t sit still for 60 seconds just to be in my head. I’m grateful I have gotten away from that lifestyle and I hope that I never find myself there again. Dr. Caroline Leaf does an outstanding job explaining in a very simplistic way (so good for me) how to meditate & pray to not only to start back on a positive path but to also to start literally healing your brain by doing this exercise daily.
- Meet a Trusted Ally. One thing that is a sure way to get me energized again is to meet with one of my very few trusted allies. We talk about everything from fitness, kids to fashion. Creativity renewed!!!
- Look Up Someone that Inspires You. I love reading about, watching and listening to ladies that have some pretty hard situations to face yet tenaciously, relentlessly and resiliently busted through to make to the next level. Furthermore, I love that they pass that raw tribal knowledge on to other ladies in hopes of helping others to avoid or at least lesson negativity in others’ lives. I don’t care how old or young these ladies (and many men). I have no pride when it comes to learning from others.
- Turn Your Favorite Tunes On. I love a wide range of music that goes back to my parent’s era all the way down to my kids’ generation. Turn it on and turn it up!
This could be longer but I’ll leave you with those six. Keep your head up and keep on keepin’ on!