There is no question that the retail restaurant industry has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated social restrictions. The widespread impact has put many restaurant businesses on edge and, unfortunately, has closed others altogether, either in forced retirement or bankruptcy. However, there is finally a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, and those who have been resilient enough to get through the long stretch of 2020 can start thinking about recovery. James Sdrales indicates folks on how these changes will function in a post-COVID recovery phase.

Precautions To Normalize

Just because we may be coming out of the COVID pandemic doesn’t mean that folks should let down their guard. There are still plenty of other issues, James Sdrales points out, demanding and requiring a sanitary environment regardless. Add in the fact that people will be wary and sensitive psychologically of anything to do with a virus or new outbreaks. There will be a preference towards businesses that make a point to show their high-quality cleaning. “Germs” cover everything from bacteria, viruses, and anything else that can be a contaminant, but in practice trying to protect from everything can be overwhelming.

Regardless of COVID, there are plenty of other factors that can trigger food poisoning and similar bad reactions to food preparation, according to James Sdrales, and is how experience in the food business. A restaurant that takes what they do now and turns it into a new normal for operations in the future will benefit both in marketing and operational safety for their customers. Take the COVID phase and use it as a renovation of old practices, making your development of food safety a permanent change going forward. James Sdrales assures that every restaurant owner will benefit from the positioning, and your customers will appreciate it with return loyalty.

Your Furniture Can Be Integrated

James Sdrales also advises that people shouldn’t start tearing down all their barriers and separations between dining areas automatically. People like some privacy as they eat. If your restaurant has installed permanent fixtures or semi-permanent barriers between tables, consider finding a way to keep them and enhance the benefit for semi-private dining. It can be a perk that puts people at ease.

Train and Prepare Staff With New Practices

With COVID waning and vaccinations expanding, James Sdrales recommends it’s a good time to help your staff understand their new protocols before the customers arrive. Take the time to bring the team in, train them on new procedures for operations, cleaning, maintenance, and general expectations in a post-COVID world. The wiping of tables with an old washrag is out the window. Disposable cleaning is far more likely, including specific methods and materials designed for enhanced sanitization. Having your staff prepped ahead of time avoids any possible embarrassments and confusion when customers arrive. Going through the motions and possible what-ifs will relax your team when it’s time to serve. James Sdrales advises they will be far more professional in unique situations knowing how to react with customer nuances.

James Sdrales Supports Finding Ways to Keep Your Diversified Channels

Don’t suddenly drop your takeout and alternative service channels. James Sdrales argues that many of them helped businesses survive and continue to bring in revenue. Find ways to keep those channels running, particularly with online ordering and takeout or delivery. You may need to think about alternative staffing or adding more hands to make it work. There are also partnership options with third parties to handle the ordering, delivery, and marketing as well. James Sdrales recommends finding ways to keep these channels going if they are worthwhile, as they keep your revenue stream diversified and spread out versus only in-person retail.

COVID will eventually decline, but it was a wake-up call on how drastically public health issues can change the paradigm of how restaurants function as small and large businesses daily.