Discover how to respond to your professional goals so that you avoid giving ambiguous answers that do not allow you to visualize a clear objective.
- Just as you spend time looking for a job, you should also invest in thinking about what you want to achieve in your work life.
- Use these tips to think about your goals and how to apply them in a selection process.
- Defining your goals will help you to make a job search more successful and effective, and get the approval of the recruiters.
Every worker who is looking for a job has to prepare to get through the job interviews. For this, it will be necessary to make some adjustments to your CV, which defines the basic guidelines of what you hope to obtain and practice for the interview, especially for classic and important questions that are reiterated in these instances.
One of the most popular, feared and yet important is the question “What are your goals?”. In this case, the worker is led to reflect on their professional, and even personal, future.
This is one of the tricky questions that recruiters enjoy. With a good response, the selectors can verify that the professional in front of them is really fit for the position; in the same way, a bad response can definitely discard the candidate. Therefore, it is essential to plan this response.
Fortunately, this question is not impossible to answer, and with the following tips, you will find it easy to do so.
What should you say?
Your personal and professional goals are a topic of interest for staff recruiters because they reflect your motivations, the desire you put in and the effort you will need to achieve them. All these qualities have an impact on your willingness to work.
In addition, they allow the recruiter to get an idea of what they can expect from you. If you indicate that you intend to earn millions in the next two years, and the employer does not have that amount, he will think that you are too expensive and cannot hire you, or that the job seems a hobby but not the real occupation that will lead you to fulfill that economic goal.
Therefore, the main problem that question implies is that the recruiter want s to know about your aspiration to know you deeply. To avoid this, the first step is to think ahead and set a clear goal.
An unclear goal or no path to achieve conveys the feeling of being disoriented towards your personal and professional life. On the contrary, having a clear goal and including the employment in question as a step to obtain it, will display security and confidence.
Given this question, it is advisable that you prepare for objectives in different areas of your life, like the career, the studies, the service to your community and even your physical state and family. Although they are not great goals for most people, it is enough for them to be important for you and to be able to express it, and in this way demonstrate that you are a professional but beyond that a person.
One of the most important recommendations to succeed in this situation is to talk about the actions you take to achieve those goals. In this way, they will not sound so far away and the recruiter will feel that you are sincere and responsible.
Getting a job is a process that starts with the first click on a job offer you saw on a network or the personal delivery of your resume in an organization or company. Whatever the modality by which you apply, the process will end with a job interview to know your previous professional and personal experiences, and aspirations.
Therefore, wasting this opportunity by inadequate preparation is be a real mistake. It is true that, in some cases, projecting into the future can be difficult, but before this question, it is essential to do so. So, even if it takes more time than necessary, it is advisable that you study this question in your mind and imagine yourself in a position to answer it with the aforementioned tips in order to be successful in your interview and you will be definitely be selected for the job.