Everyone knows what a good leader is and what a bad one is. In addition, everyone knows that a good leader can also be a bad one who has negative personality traits. Quiet leaders are not all good, but they have a long list of positive qualities that the best leaders have. There are four ways to make use of this quiet power.

Be Less Egotistical

Many leaders have more than a few, overbearing qualities that people find unappealing. They are known for being loudmouthed, boisterous and self-absorbed, but people keep them around because they are great leaders and business managers. These qualities are also benefits that make them good fighters and negotiators. On the other hand, most people do not trust them and think that arrogant leaders are working for their own good and not that of the company.

In contrast, quiet leaders are modest and moderate in their ways of dealing with everything. They have more self-control of their actions, so they’ll save more money for the business and not waste it on extravagant projects. Quiet leaders do not talk excessively and dominate conversations, so they listen to others and care about what they’re saying. They genuinely care about the opinions of their employees, coworkers and customers.

Be Less Abrasive 

Loudmouthed, egotistical leaders tend to be abusive toward their employees and customers. They usually have the attitude that their opinion is the only one that matters and criticize anyone that challenges it. A quiet leader is more respectful of other people’s feelings and opinions. He or she offers more praise than criticism, so team members show more respect. Content employees will not feel any desire to sabotage the company or challenge authority.

Be More Interactive

There are leaders who stand from a distance and those who are directly involved in their work. They are seen participating in group activities and talking to strangers at social events. Everyone prefers a leader who is humble and down to earth – it shows that he or she can relate to regular people.

Leading with quiet power means having more desirable qualities that all employers and employees want. Having these positive qualities is a benefit to an individual’s leadership and to the company.
