“Behind every successful man or woman is a mentor,” says prominent Wealth and Mindset Coach Jon Talarico, who has dedicated his life to helping others realize their full potential. His goal is to change the lives of 1,000,000 people by teaching them to build and leverage professional relationships that will yield success in every aspect of their lives.
Like it or not, most of today’s most successful entrepreneurs have all sought mentors to benefit from their advice. If you want to experience success in any capacity, you owe it to yourself to find great mentors, to listen and learn from them. A good mentor is vital for entrepreneurs of all ages and all stages of their businesses. You are never too old, clever or experienced to have a mentor.
Talarico, who has been mentored by Bob Proctor, world-renown motivational coach, bestselling author and Law of Attraction teacher, explains that the only thing standing in the way of achieving our goals is the lack of belief that we can. “The only challenge, the only issue in the world is ignorance. It’s an awareness problem,” he explains. “I realized that I needed a mentor because I was struggling to figure out my purpose.”
Talarico’s mentorship is based on the law of attraction, which is the belief that the universe creates and provides for you whatever your thoughts are focused on. “We become what we think about. There’s a way to change your thinking. I learned from Bob Proctor that I was able to think my way into results I wanted by understanding that I could choose the thoughts that I wanted that would cause me to feel a different way, and then to act out in a different way, which would then cause new results,” he says. “I was open to a whole new world of possibility.”
According to Talarico, a mentor can help you change the way you think about what is possible. A mentor can help you break negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones that will foster positive results. “Your self-image has been conditioned and programmed to play it safe. Your body has a built-in mechanism that will try to bring you back to where it’s comfortable,” he says. “The reason you’ve gotten the results you have is because you’ve been doing things in a certain way. By understanding that these are mental habits, things called paradigms that stop you from doing and having whatever you want, you can work to change those habits. And that’s why it’s so important to have a mentor.”
Another important factor that affects your goals is your willingness to pursue them. “A mentor will ask you, ‘Are you wanting to do what it takes?’,” he says. “That’s where most people will start with the excuses. I don’t have the time. I don’t have the education. I don’t have the connections. I don’t have the money. But those are all mental habits and conditioning that have been instilled into us over the years from our environment. We have to learn to live our life by understanding we can choose every thought that we want. We need to know that we have all the resources we’ll ever need.”
Having overcome an abusive and poverty-stricken childhood, Talarico wants to remind others facing dark times that they can still achieve anything they set their mind to. “They just need to wake up and realize that they can think their way into the results that they want,” he says. “They have something to do while they’re here. There is a greatness and genius inside them that just needs to be brought out.”