Are you at a crossroads?
Do you want to expend to the next level of relationship or career success?
Are you going through a separation?
Do you feel there is something blocking you? How robin vaporised her block to decision-making which had been holding her back for years in one hour with me.
After sorting through marital issues with therapy for years Robin had been on and off and been on the fence. She had a lot of fear involved…mostly fear of potential regret…she kept foreseeing regret to stay or leave and avoided both leaving and committing fully.
No matter how hard she tried she was unable to make a decision as she kept looking for the right path and the way forward.
Robins is a world-class musician, one of the industries hardest hit by COVID-19.
In our session she realised she had been undervaluing her work and made a decision to vastly increase her prices of her musical offerings. We brainstormed how she could add extra value to her community and attract high-end clients so she could make a choice from a powerful place.
After the first session she was able to see clearly and say yes to the path that would lead to her ultimate happiness, freedom, unleash her creativity as an artist, give her more emotional /sexual satisfaction and increase her earning potential.
She made a choice to follow her heart with a solid grounded plan to have a loving peaceful divorce that is good for her, her husband and their child.
If you are ready to jump off the indecision train to nowhere and want to start building the life of your dreams, you have to let go of the need for safety and go all in on you. It’s the only way.
City: Adelaide (I work online so can work with anyone)
Dare to Divorce:; The Spiral:
Dare to Divorce: I help people who are deciding whether or not to separate, to make a powerful decision, and I support them for a smooth and powerful separation process, which is a chance to reinvent yourself and rediscover your dreams. My clients attract love, money, and exciting experiences.
The Spiral: is a journey that clears years of conditioning and subconscious blocks. It combines NLP, kinesiology, and the chakra system to help you create the fulfilling life you desire.