‘He who knows when to stop is preserved from peril,only thus you can endure long’. – Part from 44th Verse, Tao Te Ching .
Knowing when to stop is the path leading to our essential self.This is a huge learning for me personally and everyday i have to remind myself what’s important today.It is quite senseless how we often exhaust ourselves in the pursuit of striving and not yet arriving.Learning to rest and recover along the way is the only way to build resilience and endure.Making our relationship important to Being and not only Doing is the the only way.But it takes practice in this world of distractions and we know there’s always more to do.
Practice knowing when to stop.Practice when to stop working.Practice when to stop eating, talking, walking, complaining, shopping, striving, sleeping, playing, scrolling and most importantly thinking.Learning to practice cessation helps us prioritize what’s important and simplifies life.
There’s always an underlying belief that drives our behavior.Doing too much, staying in situations too long, or not setting boundaries.Does that make one less passionate about the purpose? Does that make one feel alone or insecure?Does that make one feel less than? Am I too attached to the outcome of this situation? Note with compassion what comes up for you. Is that even true? Just the recognition can free us to realize that there’s so much more room for creativity and change when we do Stop.
But it takes Practice to Pause.Practice to live with the knowing of when is enough.? #burnoutprevention