A news reporter first coined the phrase “podcasting’ in an article about an emerging new medium. The term is a portmanteau combining the tech of Apple’s iPod digital media player and a radio broadcast format. Featured in episodic form, podcasting uses the internet to make digital recordings of broadcasts available for streaming or downloading at no cost to the listeners. Podcast users can use podcatcher software to choose hundreds of thousands of shows for educational and entertainment purposes. The biggest downside is the number of shows grows exponentially, and there will always be multiple shows about topics that don’t fit into a clearly-determined category. Therefore, the landscape can become overwhelming at times.
Now that podcasts are becoming mainstream, businesses are starting to see their appeal in promoting their brand. Successful companies understand the importance of brand marketing and using social media campaigns to reach a broader audience. Podcasting is another form of engagement that can be utilized to reach potential customers, investors, and employees. It’s also a great way to learn how to lead your team in the most effective way possible. There are many inspiring and informative podcasts designed to help people become better leaders.
John C. Maxwell is a coach, public speaker, and #1 NYT bestselling author who has sold over 30 million copies in 50 languages. He was declared the #1 leader in business by the American Management Association (AMA) and the most influential leadership expert in the world by Inc. and Business Insider magazines. He is also the founder of EQUIP, a non-profit organization that has trained millions of leaders in nearly every country.
How I Built This is a podcast featuring Guy Raz, an award-winning reporter, content creator, and radio and podcast personality. The New York Times described him as one of the most popular podcasters in history because his shows have a monthly count of over 19 million unique downloads.
TED and TEDx are lauded for their ability to woo the best and brightest for short presentations featuring the world’s most inspiring and motivational speakers. Subscribers can watch the YouTube channel or listen to a weekly podcast hosted by Modupe Akinola from Columbia Business School. After her talk, users are treated to a mini-course on applying those lessons to one’s own life.
This article was originally published at https://shaundallasdance.net/