By working with your thoughts you can Duality Review begin to fully realize their potential for change. Whatever happened to you in the past is now only a story. It has no power unless you give it life with your thoughts now. Life is now; ever present rushing forward as your senses perceive it. When you embrace the present moment all things are possible through your intention and action. The brain records past activity as part of the learning process. Instant recall is how you function in the daily activity of life. You use the knowledge of past activity to create new activity, but if you dwell on the past, then you are prevented from fully enjoying the present.
A clear mind is in love with the joy of life and awareness of the present moment is your state of being. As you work with your beliefs, you can see what causes stress and what create peace. It is the process of growing awareness in each individual. The process of awaking has to have a catalyst, a reason to come forward. The good news is that once the process starts and as awareness grows stronger the stress diminishes. Like any other learned response, the process of questioning your beliefs becomes easier the more you do it. You now realize that emotions and strongly held beliefs do not have as much power over you. You can start to see the relationship between thoughts, beliefs and emotions as they play out in various situations. Start with watching your thoughts as they arise, when you are able to sit in meditation for a few minutes.
Just observe the infinite variety of thoughts as they flow by. Do not hold onto any of them; just observe them for a while. Most thoughts are about past or future events because the ego is forever trying to control your environment. Before long a thought will pop up that carries an emotional charge with it. The thought might be about work, your relationship with a friend or family or maybe a thought about society. Once you recognize your stress point, the process of resolving that belief can begin. Ask why is this thought true for you?? Can you take the other side of the argument? Can you be at peace with the situation as it exists now? By this process you will find answers and a way to resolve any stressful belief.
Energy changes rapidly throughout the universe. When you see the light from distant stars, they only show you where they were, as they have moved by the time the light reaches earth. It is the same way with the human experience. Your perception of events is seamless in that you can see and experience the movement of energy as it flows through its many manifestations. The brain is recording images, sounds and touch in electrical impulses much the same as a computer stores data on a hard drive. When the mind takes the impressions of the senses from the present moment, it syncs those impressions with stored impressions to create unified thoughts.