Dedicated To: Those that need a little more love
“To love others, you must first love yourself.”
Leo Buscaglia, Author
Self-love is one of the most important things in the world. It allows us to be happy with what we see in the mirror every morning. Yet for some reason, three out of five people don’t love themselves. What does loving yourself mean though? The actual definition of love is an intense feeling with deep affection. Deep affection. The problem is, is that not many people love who they are based on what they look like, their personalities, how people treat them, etc. And that needs to change.
Love: An intense feeling with deep affection
Why we should self-love:
There are many reasons why we should love ourselves and the benefits that come from it:
- Less anxiety + depression, more optimism
- Better recovery from stress
- Better adherence to being healthy
So many people don’t love themselves, but what they don’t know is HOW to love themselves.
Ways to Maximize Your Self-Love
1. Forgive Every Mistake
To love ourselves, we can’t keep beating ourselves up for every little mistake we do, even if it’s not our fault. If someone didn’t send you an email regarding something, don’t think, ‘I should have reminded them.’ That kind of thinking will put a lot of pressure on yourself, a pressure that you don’t need. Try saying ‘It’s not your fault, there’s nothing that you could’ve done because you already reminded them once.’
2. Smile at Yourself
I’m assuming that every day in the morning, you look at yourself in the mirror. Out of 5 people, three of them think ‘Oh. Me. Wow, look at all of the pimples on my face.’ Or something similar. A way to change that into a positive thought is to:
First: Smile at yourself, loving yourself can be as simple as a smile
Second: Look at all of your “mistakes”
Third: Look at all of your good qualities
Fourth: Smile again, and think; ‘Wow, I’m pretty/handsome’
Fifth: Continue with your morning routine
3. Make A Pro List
Sometimes listing is just the easiest way to take notes. For examples, notes of yourself. We always point out our mistakes or what we don’t like (we all do that, nobody’s perfect), but what we can do is make a pro list for ourselves. It’s as easy as two steps. First, get a piece of paper and a writing utensil, then write down all of the good things you like about yourself. After you’ve finished writing your list, pin it up somewhere you can see it every day, whether that’s your mirror or desk space. Just a note to remind you of all your good qualities.
“Loving yourself can be as simple as a smile :)”
It’s easy to say that self-love is lacked in many humans around the globe. It’s been proven that self-love boosts self-esteem, confidence, and happiness greatly. I never said it was easy, so take it step by step. Baby steps, because if a child can look at themselves in the mirror and smile at their reflection, why can’t we?