When you think of success, do you envision oodles of money, a mansion, and a fancy sports car? Those items are great, but what about a deeper sense of success – a success beyond your wildest dreams?
If you’re like most readers of internet articles, websites and blogs, you’ve probably heard some success stories where ordinary folks like yourself have gone from rags to riches scenarios. However, and more importantly, there are even better stories out there. Like the stories of entrepreneurs and business people leaving their corporate world to go and sell ice cream somewhere in the Caribbean. They, too, are abundantly happy and successful.
What makes up success?
Success is a personal definition – for some, it’s lots of money, and for others, it’s fulfillment and for others it’s freedom. Some people want to live in a mansion overlooking the ocean, while others want to live in a cottage by the lake or down at the farm.
Bottom line – success is what you say it is.
Want to know something even more powerful? Success is even what you say it isn’t. You get in your own way.

Let’s start with defining your own success. Here are a few tips on how to define what success is to you and only you:What’s your why – we all have a vision of what success looks like to us. However, taking this notion one step further, ask yourself some key questions. What is your why is the first question. Why do you want to achieve this particular success?
Dig deep down and quietly meditate on your true calling, passion and purpose. Everyone has one and it’s only a matter of time before you are one of millions asking yourself, “Is there something than this?” What is the why behind your success? Do you wish to reach thousands of people and make a difference? Do you wish to help hundreds solve a problem you have experience with? Do you value freedom over material objects and items? Start getting in touch with your why.
What’s the most important thing to you? Do you value financial freedom, being of service, freedom to come and go as you please, the ability to create a flexible schedule which works for you and your family?
Once you get in touch with your why, your core need and desire will become to come to light. If you have a driving need to be your own boss or a passionate purpose to help others beyond your wildest dreams, this will come to light as well. Once you know your why, your core desire will come to the surface.
What actions steps do you need to take, and what does it look like to make it come to life? Once you’ve done the work to uncover your own definition of success, what your why is, and what’s the most important thing to you, it’s time to take a trip outside of your head and beyond your comfort zone into the world of action. While it’s nice to get inside your head and get in touch with your why and your what, it’s even more important to get in touch with the how. How will you make it happen?
It’s called learning to think and aim big for a reason. If you already knew how to put all these practices into place, then you wouldn’t need any training. You most certainly can retrain your brain. It just takes practice.
The more you practice, the easier it will become. With these tips, practices, and goal-setting techniques, you’ll be on your way to not only learning to think and aim big, but you’ll be on your way to living big.