Letting go requires self-control.
Read that again…slowly.
By definition, self-control requires -restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires.
When we let something go, when we release control of all things, self-control must take front and center.
In our human nature, when we let things go, we panic, fear sets in, and we immediately think everything will change, fall apart, cease to be what you wanted.
All along, it was not what you needed.
As this pandemic has shown us, we are not in control of the societal norms that have been placed on us. The physical liberties, the daily freedoms of deciding where we want to go, who do we want to see have been restricted to the point of ceasing.
I began to wonder what is truly in my control and if what I am controlling is bringing me joy and joy to those around me.
So I decided to let go.
Letting go of wanting things my way or no way.
Letting go of illusions
Letting go of accolades
Letting go of measured outcomes
Letting go of inputs and outputs
Letting go of expectations
I didn’t realize the burden I was carrying was weighted by what I was controlling.
I feel lighter. I feel relieved. I feel freedom.
What are you controlling that is bringing your strife?
Exercise self-control and let it go!
Often we think if we control the input, we can control the output.
Controlling is suffocating- learn to breathe!