Below is a list of categories for clients I have been privileged to serve during the past few years.

actors, A.D.H.D., alcoholic, anorexia, antiquities, artists, bankruptcy, bipolar, birth, bulimia, blue collar, children, death, divorce, depression, doctors. elderly, entrepreneurs, executives, executive coaches, concierges, family estates, finance, five-star hotels, high net-worth families, hoarders, internationals from all-walks-of-life, Japanese American imprisoned in U.S. internment camp, lawyers, men and women who have never married, miscarriages, newlyweds, opioid addiction, paraplegic, prenup, psychologists, sex addicts, suicide, teachers, tech, teenagers, therapists, thought leaders, white collar and widowers.

Frailty: Seems to be the common essence. At one point we all have the same dual feelings. This thread is the mosaic tapestry that weaves us together in commonality.

It is my observation that we are all frailer than we acknowledge to ourselves and others. Our capacity for empathy and compassion is at a premium; we all feel fear, exhaustion, anxiety, frustration, and anger. At certain moments we all experience our reserves of self-reliance, confidence, and hope depleted.

Yet, these feelings can afford us the opportunity to find new resources within ourselves. By accepting and embracing these challenges we heal, grow, and evolve.

I created my career soon after 9/11. Each day, everywhere I went to in NYC I saw people in shock, awe, paranoid, bewildered and in a heightened state of alert. I heard people near and far yearning for emotional comfort and physical security in their homes and interior.

I felt humbled and confident then and to this day; to have been imbued with professional abilities that provide me with the privilege to enter a person’s life to help them find clarity, solace, and organization in a short period of time.

We all want to be:

  • Recognized
  • Invited in
  • Heard
  • Understood
  • Wittnessed

Discernment has shown when one is in awareness and focuses’ on giving and receiving these character attributes, we value our existence. This organically brings civility and invites grace in all of us.


  • Lisa Krohn

    GhostWriter, Researcher & Writer

    Currently, Lisa is the Creative Executive with Authors Unite. Previously, Lisa was a Ghostwriter and Creative Research Assistant at Robbins Research International, reporting directly to the Principal, Sage Robbins. A dedicated and discreet professional known for demonstrating integrity and grace under pressure. Lisa is a creative problem solver and a detail-oriented and imaginative project manager who can establish order from chaos. Lisa is devoted to organizing and producing clarity in people's lives. She has a proven track record of success in achieving client goals with legendary entrepreneurs, thought leaders, individuals, couples, executives, high-net-worth families, and people from all walks of life. Lisa is a leading personal assistant and personal organizer. She brings unique experience as a Hollywood archivist, event planner, manager of a preeminent European antiquities gallery, and executive/personal assistant to entertainment executives and entrepreneurs on both coasts. Lisa has worked as a Communications Outreach Strategist for the nonprofit, with Brando Crespi, an internationally acclaimed environmental strategist,, General Peter B. Zwack, Co-Founder and former Google Entrepreneur in Residence Vivian Rosenthal, Buddhist scholar Robert A.F. Thurman, visionary Byron Katie, renowned spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, and Jim Lahey of the Sullivan Street Bakery. She has also served as the personal executive assistant to Martha Stewart, Peter Guber, Steve Tisch, Wendy Finerman, Dawn Steel, Don Simpson, and Jerry Bruckheimer, and the general counsel of USA Networks. Lisa spent four years creating and producing Columbia Pictures' Archival Department The Wall Street Journal published a feature profile on Lisa, focusing on her personal organizing business. Quest magazine has recognized her as one of NYC's premier personal organizers. Back east, Lisa was Manager of Phoenix Ancient Art and co-produced Harry Evans' celebrated book party events at Random House. Lisa has cultivated special project relationships with prestigious five-star hotel concierges. She is a contributing writer at Contact: Lisa Krohn +1.917.856.1234 [email protected] Fall 2024