Throughout our lives, we consistently rely on others for their advice. We seek help from our friends, family, neighbors, and teachers for nearly every struggle we face in this life. However, one of the most significant sources for quality advice is our community’s elders, those who have lived full lives and been through all of its ups and downs. Although their advice can surely fill countless books, we’re going to take a look at five major life lessons that we can learn from the elderly.
Live for today. It’s all you have and all you ever will.
This is often the most widely given advice from the elderly. It is simple and universal and was taught by nearly all of the world’s great religious and spiritual traditions. The message is simple. Don’t spend your days and nights worrying about the past or the future.
Go easy on people. Especially yourself.
We often spend our lives criticizing others while withholding vital praise for a job well done. If we intend to enjoy our lives and bring others up along the way, we need to be lavish with our praise and forgiving. We especially need to be compassionate to ourselves. We are often our own worst enemy, and it is essential to note that we must first be kind to ourselves to show kindness to others.
Embrace change. It is the only constant.
The only thing in life we can cling to is the idea that nothing lasts. There are no two things, whether they be moments, people, feelings, or thoughts that are the same. Every moment is fresh and new, and to benefit from that, we must embrace the change. If we notice, the elders who have accepted and embraced their age are always happier and better off than those who have not.
Don’t fall out of touch with family and friends. They make life worth living.
This is another very common piece of advice from our elders. If we are lucky enough to live a long life, we will see many of our friends and family come and go. We must remember to hold them, dear, to our heart, for they truly make life worth living. It’s impossible to imagine a beautiful life without any friends or family.
Don’t forget to have fun along the way.
What is the point of life if we are always severe and stern-faced? Through all of life’s ups and downs, we must remember to have fun…to laugh and rejoice. It is a great danger for us never to loosen up and enjoy ourselves. As the great American author, Elbert Hubbard famously said, “don’t take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive”.