I write this after having just had 3 hours of sleep (for the last two nights), a banging head ache and polar bear eyes….Life of a Mumpreneur…The real truth is this…Being a Mumpreneur can sometimes be tough…

Some of you may already know, I have two children. Saira is my 6 year old who is at school during the day, on her hover board after school and has her own You Tube Channel (“Saira’s Magical World”) alongside everything else she does including Kumon, ballet, Cheerleading and Drama School – she keeps me very busy. Sahiba my 15 month old is a mini Saira in so many ways but one thing they differ in is their sleep pattern. Saira co-slept with me (and we honestly loved it) and we were always guaranteed a good night’s sleep. Sahiba has been in her own room since she was 4 months old, and this is encouraged however, on the occasion where she is restless, I always thought co sleeping at that point would be the answer but with her it absolutely isn’t.

So generally, Sahiba’s sleep pattern is as follows – sleep in cot by 7pm, may move about during the night, may have another bottle around 1am but will generally sleep till 7am. However, at least twice a week, she has these odd sleeping patterns whereby she gets up and still won’t go down after a milk feed. She just refuses to go back into her cot, the arched back and everything…so then i try the ‘co-sleeping’ method but she ends up moving around, poking me in the eye, having a play with her toys…all in the dark but does start to nod off around 6, just before my alarm goes off at 6.30! She refuses point blank if my husband tried to settle her and this happens for 2 nights a week! The tough part is knowing which two nights!

Do babies of this age get insomnia?

Once i do wake up after a rough, sleepless night, I hand her over to my live in au pair who is a total godsend and I start to go through my huge ‘to do’ list, client calls, meetings, phone calls to make and life continues as a business woman, and the most bizarre thing is that once I step into my office, i just feel super energised again. It’s like I am living off the adrenaline, like my mind knows I have to do XYZ and I can’t let anyone down, I have to be there and show up for my clients…and I do…The funny thing is, often these are the days I am most productive!

So my point to this blog is to say, all you Mumpreneurs out there – you are doing an AMAZING job…and remember, if you have had a rough night and you need to rest in the day, have that ‘power nap’, you can…You know what you need to achieve, but you also know what your mind and body needs and if it means you rest your head and eyes for thirty minutes in the day, you can and don’t feel bad for it…you control yourself and you know what you need.

Being a mumpreneur isn’t always easy but you know why you made that decision to be your own boss, whilst raising a family and for that, I salute you, ladies.

If you are like me, then when you wake up in the morning, have your morning coffee and then see your children wake up and you have your morning cuddles, I bet you completely forget all about my sleepless night and somehow you are naturally energised again.

As a mumpreneur, I am truly grateful for all the opportunities I have been faced …My children are my biggest why, they are the reason i am able to do everything I do…I am grateful for having them as it was a really difficult struggle both times but I knew god had a plan and it was going to happen despite years of waiting…I wake up feeling grateful for the smiles, hugs and the endless love my kids show me, I am grateful for being there for the children and being able to walk a few steps to my office.

Being a mumpreneur for me is the best decision I made. Being able to live my life like I do, I am forever grateful for everyone who supported me and had faith in what i do…

Despite whatever my night has been like, I show up for my clients and my tribe of amazing women each and every day, why because I am grateful for everyone for giving me purpose for being here, being a business woman and a mother and combining the two…

So mumpreneurs, if you ever feel down, and like its all too much, remember you can control how much you can and can’t do based around your family needs, but if you have the right mindset, planning and goal setting despite what you have been through as a mum, you will show up to follow through in your business as you know what you will achieve, you know what it will give you and you are focused.

So keep being awesome mumpreneurs and remember, you are amazing!

If you are a mum who is looking to redefine your career and life, then get in touch.

Simi Pandhal is a Transformation Coach who works with mothers who are looking for a positive change to enhance their lives with their families through career or business.

Contact Simi by email: [email protected]

Website: www.simipandhal.com