We all remember that moment. That pause of silence. When we stood still. We were shocked. Surprised. Stunned. Scared. Confused. Uncertain. On that night, many parents hugged their children a little tighter, and kissed them a little longer. On that moment, we stood firm, eyes glued to the television. Watching in horror as the buildings tumbled. Too grief stricken to even flinch.
Whether we were at work, school, dropping off the children, laying in bed, working in the garden, sipping a cup of tea. . .we all felt that feeling. It was simultaneous, and regardless of what our activities were during that present moment, it was at that moment when humanity felt a human connection. This spark which happens when grief strikes. The ending of human life from people we knew, and didn’t know, was felt throughout every neurotic shock in our bones.

9-11. . .Say no more!
Yet, in the midst of such an atrocity, life continued to rise! Not only did it rise, but it continued. Death had been defeated. And, it was defeated, in the simple act of. . .continuing life! People often speak of it as an attack against the United States. Yes. Simultaneously, it was also an attack on humanity. More than one nationality had faced the pain and anguish on that day.
One of the blessings of losing someone we love is that it makes us closer to others. We realize that we are not the only people who are suffering. Bonds and friendships are formed, and they come from people whom we would have never met. That is the magic of loss. Things never stay at a loss. There is always a re-birth to what we see as “gone.” The beauty of remembering 9-11, and the memorial centered around it,
Today was an auspicious day in observing the power of healing and re-birth. The power of speaking the names, and describing the character, of the people who were lost. Throughout the nation, there were different presentations. Some connected 9-11 to hatred and indifference, happening in the present. Others found comfort in the spirit of prayer groups. Praying for the healing of those, who had. . .lost. Certain prayers spoke for the unity of the United States of America. And, then, there was that performance, which got the world talking.
Haka. . . . .
Did you see it? Did you hear it? Did you feel it?
In the nation of New Zealand, the indigenous tradition of the Maori people, captured the attention of international media. There they were. . .bold and vigilant for the world to see. Maori firefighters in New Zealand performed one version of the haka in honor of those first responders, who lost their lives in 9-11. You see, it didn’t matter that one group of saving lives was American and the other was New Zealand (Maori). There is just something about those civil service professions, which creates an international sisterhood and brotherhood. Because at the end of the day, no one can understand the family that is formed, in the profession of saving lives. Those who work professions, where any day could be their last.
Passion. Strength. Love. Overcoming. Life. Respect.
These are the characteristics associated when performing a haka-a traditional dance, and challenge, of the Maori people of New Zealand. A performance, initially done against a rival group, it is also done at weddings, sports events, and other ceremonies-celebrating the triump of life over death. Of contuining a culture and legacy of the ancestors.

This dance was done as a tribute to Americans, and other nationalities, who lost their lives on that day. It was deep and intense. Every beat, stomping of the feet, rhythm, felt like a representation of each heartbeat, which had stopped on that day. Listening to the dance, you feel as if you are experiencing the Soul of every victim dancing to the rhythm. As if the dance revives the very essence of those who were lost. Using rhythm to re-vive their Spirits, so that they are never forgotten. Truly a creative expression of re-channeling life.

One of the teachings of 9-11 is that it goes to show that the United States of America is not alone in the mourning and healing process. That there are other nations, who too, know what it feels to lose something and. . . someone. When we connect with that essence, we become privey to understanding just how interconnected nations are. Just how intertwined the lives of humanity. . .are. I am sure the Maori people can speak about loss. And, yet it is through a ceremonial dance, where they bless the legacy of individuals they never knew. Yet, they still found a way to connect with cultural unfamiliarity, through a common professional energy. And, it is the energy of. . .
Saving Lives. . .

To view the Haka dance, performed by New Zeland firefighters, in honor of 9-11, go to the following link: