“Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow.”
– Happy Warrior (available on Amazon)
When your freedom is compromised and life starts to feel overwhelming, confusing, and completely upside down… fear creeps in.
Fear is anger, disappointment, frustration, envy, sadness, or any feeling that you are not enough or don’t have enough right now or in the future.
Take as long as you need to feel any fear-based feelings you’re having. Feel them, acknowledge them, and face them. Then at some point you have to ask yourself if these feelings are holding you back or helping you to move forward.
These feelings can deceive you to make you feel like they are empowering you. Anger can feel empowering. Resentment can feel empowering. But that’s a lie. These feelings are nothing more than soul-sucking energy-vampires.
But with awareness and courage, fear can actually be useful. Fear, and all of its parts, can serve a greater purpose if you make the shift to use it for your good.
The shift is the moment that you decide to no longer feel this way anymore. That’s the moment when you ask yourself…
1. What am I feeling?
2. Is it holding me back or helping me?
3. What’s one thing I can do to feel the way I want to feel?
Taking active steps to feel more grounded amidst your fear is going to make anything you’re facing feel lighter and more surmountable.
Life is full of challenges, big and small, and then there’s a pandemic. Even in the worst of situations, your best option is to fight the fear and find the light inside of you. Let that light be your guide. If you feed it, it will grow.
Shine on.