The Corona Lockdown brings its own set of conundrums and consequences for our work and life. What is happening around us?

The ‘new normal’ is the most used and overused terms these days. There is indeed a paradigm shift. SARS led to the rise of Chinese e-commerce and Corona will give big fillip to healthcare and overall digitisation. The bigger impact is on the mankind. Human history is a testimony to our infinite capacity to assimilate, learn and adapt. How will our life and work change? 

Human beings are in hibernation mode. Hibernation is a normal phenomenon in nature where extended period of inactivity helps to endure adverse conditions. In fact, scientists are exploring how hibernation can help in space travel and other areas. Hibernation is necessary for survival and growth. 

The explosion of people exploring creative side and bottled passions is inspiring. Expect a lot of people to discover a new person in themselves leading to new choices and new future. The initial experiments and indulgences will turn into serious soul-fulfilling mission. Many may never go back to the old jobs and professions again. 

On the other hand, many people miss the hustle and bustle of their professional lives. The stress and long working hours may have blinded them to the bright side of their demanding careers. Many are finding a much-needed pause in their default ‘mad rush’ lifestyle . Once the initial bliss of relaxed life is fully enjoyed, the same work will be looked with a new fresh pair of eyes. The post-lockdown period will see new zeal, new energy, new insights and new perspectives. 

The healthcare, public services, delivery and government officials are working round the clock. The Corona is a war-zone for them – thousands of books and hundreds of years of training would not have prepared them for the current situation. The sheer resilience and real-time thinking is helping them cope with the ever-changing situation. The Corona experience will influence a whole new way of operations and execution in each of these sectors. Predicting and managing pandemics is going to be a new module in their curriculum! 

And across all sectors, the rise of digital, contact-less and remote working is inevitable. The degree of digitalisation will vary but the fusion of online and offline world is an irreversible trend. Schools and universities will leverage online learning like never before. Technology will change the healthcare industry with remote diagnosis, contactless monitoring and predictive analytic models. 

The workplace engagement is getting redefined. The real substance is taking over those online meetings. Is there a real alignment with the organisation? Is there an identification with the purpose and the vision? Are the people really inspiring? What is the future?

The human relationships are changing as well. People are not used to spending weeks together with their spouses and family. One cannot fake and plan things beyond a few days. The real relationship will speak. Either people will find that their bickering partner is actually a nice person and maybe that is why they got together in the first place. Or they will find discover the futility of inauthentic relationship  and address the elephants and dinosaurs in the locked down room. In either case, true freedom and happiness will emerge. True love will find a way. 

The digital brings new challenge for families and kids. The rise of Netflix binge-watching, smartphone stickiness, social media addiction and ‘Everything on Zoom’ is natural. Birthday and anniversaries are being celebrated on Zoom. Families are discovering new activities and ideas to stay connected and sane. Depression and loneliness are the other side of the reality for many families, especially for senior citizens. The simple and basis interactions are curtailed. Some physical and digital connect with constant counselling is the need of the hour. The mindful activities like meditation, painting, reading etc. will need constant encouragement.

Lockdown is indeed brining many interesting challenges. Purpose, positive attitude, high empathy and strong awareness will help us to come out stronger and better on the other side of Corona Lockdown. 

Photo by Matt Seymour