How a Facebook friend changed my life forever.

I write a lot on Facebook and Instagram, and on one of such days in 2019, a Facebook friend then, who is now a good friend, commented on one of my posts acknowledging how good my writing is, plus how much value I’m giving people, and she encouraged me to write a book. We agreed to continue our discussion via messenger. She went further to tell me how she is a publisher, and can help me put my book together. She also sent me a link to her website to check out her works, products, and services. I thanked her for reaching out to me and promised to visit her site and check out her offers. I did check it out, but was discouraged by her charges, so I did not get back to her.
A couple of weeks later, she sent me a message on Facebook messenger while I was at work and asked why she had not heard from me. She sounded so nice and friendly; it was easy for me to tell her the truth. She laughed when I told her my misgivings and gave me her number to call her. I believe that my meeting this lady was divinely orchestrated, because she immediately understood where I was coming from, and together we arrived at an arrangement that would be mutually beneficial.
Before then, I always had people (my husband, brother-in-law, friends, and family) tell me how good my writing is, and I should write a book. I always rejected this idea, because I did not think I had the patience to write a full book. I preferred short stories; and even with the short stories, I always found it hard to find an ending for them. I also thought that I did not have the time required to commit to writing professionally. For these reasons, I was able to convince myself that professional writing was not meant for me. I would just stick to my inspirational stuff on Facebook.
However, for some reason, this Publisher lady, named Ebere, just would not give up on me. She kept pushing and prompting, until I finally gave in, and we immediately started work. As we worked together, my eyes suddenly opened, and I started seeing possibilities. Long dead and buried dreams started resurrecting. I remembered how it was my dream as a child, to travel all over the world, helping people and teaching them as well. Things just started coming to the fore. That’s why I believe that my meeting with Ebere was a divine occurrence, because I started taking my writing seriously after I met her, I rekindled my desire to help people, women and children especially, and I generally started taking myself and my life more seriously.
These days, I am always either studying or teaching; constantly improving myself so that I can be a light, a worthy ambassador of what I teach and a worthy example for others to follow. This has helped fuel my desire to help other women, who underutilize their potential, to become whom they were created to be.
At various stages of our lives, we all require a helping hand from someone to pull us up to the next level. I have decided to position myself to be one of those people God uses to help pull a woman up to where she needs to be at a particular season. This why I wrote my book, “Mindset Matters“, a pot pourri of little bits of my life, and how I handle everyday challenges with a smile on my face and joy in my heart.
I have a Facebook community, Mindset Matters: Renew to Revamp, the members are predominantly women from their 30s upwards, who need help in working on their minds to remove limiting beliefs so they can turn their dreams to reality. I also organize regular webinars and go live on Facebook and Instagram once a week in order to help even more women achieve their dreams and receive what they want.
Life has taught me that mindset is indeed everything. I’ve realized that one cannot live higher than the quality of one’s thoughts; and my heart goes out to people, especially women, who really want to stand out and make something of themselves but are not sure how to go about it. This is where my coaching programme comes in; where I can give my clients the required attention and hand holding, working with them to be the best of themselves. I am so excited and looking forward to the next couple of years. My dream and desire are to help as many women as possible, from all over the world, to help them improve the quality of their thoughts, so that they can live transcendent lives. The future is definitely bright.
About Ngozi
Ngozi Jason-Nwadinobi is a writer and TEDx speaker. She loves people, finds human beings the most interesting specie of all God’s creatures and has a burden in her heart to lift them up by helping them change their mindset and perception of life. Through the years, and various experiences she’s had, Ngozi has learnt that the power to create the life we want lies within us; we can be in charge of our emotions, words, habits, and ultimately our lives and this has propelled her to help others, women especially, realize the potential that lies within them. She has created online platforms where inspires women while providing resources that encourage a healthy mindset, and she’s just getting started!

#mindset #possibilities #womenempowerment