Luca Valori lives in dubai and is an expert in social media marketing and E-commerce. He has helped thousands of Entrepreneurs achieve the right mindset & success in their everyday life!

In this article we go over how Luca overcomes tough times and having the right mindset can help you get through those times.

Motivated during tough times!

Luca says that having the right mindset allows a person to face any difficulty. So when times get tough you need to have a positive mindset he says. Understands to not get discouraged because it will only be temporary.

Another thing Luca points out is having to put yourself up when those tough times come. “ Difficult periods and failure will come no doubt, this is why you need the right mindset

Advice to Starters !

Luca explains if he had one piece of advice to give to someone starting out, he’d say: study, invest money and time in education and training. 

He also says how people should avoid distractions and never lose their focus. Success doesn’t come easy so Luca reminds the up comers that it doesn’t matter how long it takes. “If it takes weeks, months or years and you have a goal, it must be achieved somehow.”

Mentality & Success!

According to Luca having the ability to be strong willed and a strengthened mentality, a person can have the motivation and the strength to keep going in the middle of a crisis. Accepting failure is also much easier when you work on training your mentality. This way you see Failures as lessons. 


  • Johnny Medina

    Branding Expert-Business Consultant

    Johnny Medina is a young Entrepreneur who interviews successful Entrepreneurs/Business Owners who are willing to share their success tips & have overcome some challenging obstacles.