Okay so now I’m going to brainwash you into practicing gratitude.
Don’t worry it’s going to benefit you in manyyyyy ways.
So what is gratitude?
Must have heard “attitude of gratitude” saying.. but let’s not get into such meme related stuff here. Let’s get real for a while

Gratitude is a felt sense of wonder, thankfulness and appreciation for life
– Robert Emmons
Aha! This quote really touched my heart
So it’s a feeling of thankfulness about – the ice cream you ate today.. the treat your friend gave you last week… Well yeah.. something like that.
So now… You must be thinking hell yeah! I know that but I ain’t gonna say thank you for everything.
Lemme tell you the benefits –
Research has found that grateful people are more happier ? and energetic ? and hopeful ? than those who aren’t so grateful.
They are more helpful and empathic
More forgiving
Less materialistic!
Sounds great?
And also for all the fitness freaks out there –
Practicing gratitude is also linked to physical health.
Well… That doesn’t mean you’re going to get six packs in six weeks of practicing gratitude. ?
It just means your immunity will improve. You’ll think good thoughts and maybe feel more energetic in gym.
In her book ‘How of happiness’ Sonja Lyubomirsky explains 8 ways in which gratitude helps you.

8 super awesome ways gratitude helps you!
1. Grateful thinking promotes the savouring of positive life experiences
Here’s how I remember it –
Eat your icecream before it melts..
Enjoy the moment before it’s over. Be grateful and enjoy the present time before it’s gone.
Enjoy your college years before going for a job and reflecting back on college days and thinking “those were the days…..”
2. Expressing gratitude bolsters self worth and self esteem
Now imagine a very common situation –
You are late for a party.
You’ll probably say – “Sorry for being late guys… There was traffic” (or whatever lame excuse you come up with)
And they’ll probably ignore you… And you might end up feeling bad about yourself
Now what if you say –
“Thank you so much guys for waiting for me! I am so glad that you all are my friends”
Guess what would happen?
They won’t feel that bad about it… Anddd… Even you’ll feel better… Soooo much better! (I am so glad you are my friends…..?)
Boom! Shift in focus..
You feel better about yourself and others after expressing gratitude
3. Gratitude helps people cope with stress and trauma
Yeah… It does!
It’s challenging to express gratitude when you’re stressed or depressed. But like every other medicine you have to take this sour medicine to get better (I mean feel better)
In this period.. you may not have big things to be grateful for.. but it’s the little things that count. You could be grateful you had healthy food today or your friend came to talk to you or something like that.
But feel the gratitude. Say it out loud.
4. Expression of gratitude encourages moral behaviour.
You’re more likely to help others when you feel grateful.
Here’s the thing – when you are aware about your own blessings you want to be that blessing for someone else.
When everything is going good in your life, you are more likely to help others. It’s like when your cup is full, it overflows.
So if you want to help others, start by feeling more grateful about your own situation. It helps, trust me!
And when you help others it gives a more positive boost about yourself.

5. Gratitude can help build social bonds, strengthening existing relationships and nourishing new ones.
When you constantly realise how blessed you are to have this person in your life…
You treat them better! Even they treat you better!
Oh I’m so blessed to have you in my life honey… I really appreciate you doing the dishes yesterday and even though you were tired… You talked with me for a while and asked me about my day before going to bed… It’s these little things that make me so happy!
I feel the same darling. I remember the time when my mom was in hospital and you spent a week there taking care of her. She was so happy to have you there.. I will always remember the good things you’ve done for me and my family, this is nothing compared to that..
After reading this how many of you went “awwww”
Yeah! That’s how it gets.
Genuine appreciation has a wonderful impact. It kinda creates a “positive feedback loop” where both parties express their gratitude and feel awesome! For the rest of the week…
If you constantly remind yourself of the good things other person has done to you it might get hard to even get angry at them or when you do, it’s resolved quickly coz you know there’s more to this person than just this one incident.
So gratitude also helps in relationships! ❤️
6. Expressing gratitude tends to inhibit invidious comparison with others.
I am going for a vacation in Bahamas! Yay! I’m so excited for it… Where are you going?
For this vacation I’m going to visit my family after a year! Due to work and being in different country I cannot visit them that often. I’m so blessed to spend this vacation with them! I can’t wait to see my little sister and play some pranks with her… Haha..
Did person 2 feel jealous?
Because she appreciates what she has. Did she compare? Nah! I don’t think so…
That’s what feeling of gratitude does.. it helps you appreciate what you have and makes you less materialistic.
7. Practice of gratitude is incompatible with negative emotions and may actually dimnish or deter such feelings as anger, bitterness and greed.
Can you feel angry and happy at the same time?
You can’t! No one can…
Some bittersweet feelings are there… But not really
If you thank someone for helping you, (genuinely) they are more likely to do that in future. Not just to you, but to others as well. It’s like creating a positive ripple. Everyone is benefited.
Do you feel guilty sometimes receiving help?
You won’t when you thank them from the bottom of your heart. You’ll realise you’re surrounded by kind people and they’ll feel happy as they are the kind ones.
Win-win situation for both parties!
8. Gratitude helps us thwart hedonic adaptation.
Do you remember the excitement you feel when you get something you always wanted…. And after few days… You don’t feel that happy about the thing.
For example – You always wanted to try the donuts of that new donut shop. Suddenly they open a branch next to your house. You feel sooo happy, you eat their donuts straight for 2 weeks.
Would you feel like going to that shop again? Will the excitement be the same?
(don’t lie.. it won’t)
Sooo… Here’s what you can do
When you go there next time, order a donut and feel grateful for the opportunity to eat it. Like… Wow… This is so yummm…. *Takes a bite… Wowww… I’ve never tasted anything like this….. It’s soo good!!!!
Just don’t say this loudly or you may never be allowed to enter the shop again!?
But you get the point right?!
Hedonic adaptation is the way you adapt to new changes quickly and it doesn’t feel so interesting afterwards
So gratitude comes to your rescue even here!
See… I told you I’m gonna brainwash you into practicing gratitude.
So tell me… Was I successful in my mission? ?
And lastly….

Images – pixles