Meditation is a technique of relaxation that will rejuvenate a tired mind and will heighten awareness. It is the most effective technique that one can use in this stressful world we live in where our senses are often dulled. There has been research carried out on the effects of meditation that suggests that meditation helps one in many more ways than just temporary stress relief.
Anyone who meditates will tell you how much the practice helps improve their physical wellbeing. Not just that, the practice is also effective for one’s emotional health. People might have a different understanding of what meditation is and how to do it but the truth is there is no right way to meditate. One can explore the different types of meditation until they resonate with one that works. There are many different types of meditation.
1. Guided Meditations: When a teacher leads your mind into meditation
2. Mantra Meditation: When a mantra helps you get deeper in meditation
3. Panchkosha (Body Scan) Meditation: When you scan your body with your mind and then go into meditation
Let’s look at each type of meditation out of the main 3 types of meditation
Guided Meditations
If you are a beginner, this will be the easiest type of meditation. In this meditation, it is the teacher that will lead you through the process by giving simple instructions. The meditator should take the instructions lightly.
Going into a meditation on your own can be difficult for a beginner. A guided meditation takes the fear and confusion away, leaving you with the most relaxing experience.
Mantra Meditation
Meditating on mantras is another simple technique for meditation. Out of the main 3 types of meditation, this one doesn’t need any instructions. You can play a Sanskrit chant and simply relax in a meditative posture. All you have to do is to let your mind experience the vibrations of the chants. If you wish to, you can also chant along.
Body scan Meditation
Body scan, sometimes called progressive relaxation, is a meditation technique that encourages people to scan their bodies for areas of tension. The goal is to notice tension, become aware of it, and allow it to release. Panchkosha meditation can help achieve feelings of calmness and relaxation, especially on the physical level. It may also help manage chronic pain. Some people use this meditation technique to fall asleep.
If you are a beginner, these simple meditations will help you get a relaxed body and mind with very little effort.