With my Amazon Prime account (how did I ever live without my Prime account is beyond me) I get Kindle Unlimited which gives me access to thousands of books that download with a touch of a finger. This past weekend, I downloaded and read a book that got my brain cells working overtime to figure out a plan to take a break sooner rather than later. A YOUcation is what I’m calling it.
The book’s title was “The Overdue Life Of Amy Byler” by Kelly Harms. It tells the story of a single yet not divorced mom whose husband comes unexpectedly back into their lives after a 3 year absence due to a midlife crisis. He begs to be able to spend time with the kids to “try” to make up for his absence and talks Amy into taking a few weeks for herself. Resistant at first, she eventually gives in and heads to New York City.
While there for the first time in many years, she’s not only able to got to a weekend conference but squeezes in some much needed alone time. As her best friend is the editor for a magazine, she ends up being the guinea pig for an article called “momspringa”.
What is a momspringa? Maybe you have heard of Rumspringa. Rumspringa is when an Amish young adult takes a few years off to decide if they will be happy living an Amish lifestyle for the rest of their lives. Momspringa is loosely based on Rumspringa where a mom gets a few days break to regroup and remember who they are outside of mom.
Moms are some of the hardest working beings to walk the planet whether they are stay at home moms or working moms. I know how hard it can be to balance everything first hand as I was a working mom separated throughout the years from my husband due to career changes. But needing a break applies to all of us.
Bottom line is we live very busy, stressful lives and very seldom do we take a break such as a “mental” health day. We NEED downtime but we won’t get it unless we actually schedule it on our calendars. We need a YOUcation! (I don’t even know if that’s a word but it perfectly describes what I know most of us including me need. Some downtime.)
This summer, I’m taking a few YOUcations. I vow to not be so busy that I miss all the fun things summer is about like lazy days on the river or at the beach. Enjoying a nice long bike ride. BBQ’s with family and friends. Or simply sleeping in a few minutes later on Saturday than I do during the week. (Have to make sure my dogs get the memo because they seem to think 5:30 a.m. is when I need to be awake.)
I challenge you to take a YOUcation also this summer. Get the calendar out right now and put a great big X through a day where you will not schedule anything. Take that time and relax. Let your mind wander and remember what living a happy, balanced life is all about. Then do it again a few more times and really enjoy summer this year. Taking some downtime will leave you feeling fantastic and ready to take on what life throws at you next. Have an amazing week and plan your YOUcation!
To your health,