Your organization’s productivity is tied to its company culture, so any action you take to affect one will affect the other. This is good news for leaders who want to create more positive workplaces as their initiatives will also increase overall efficiency. If this sounds like a path you want to take with your organization, here are a few suggestions to get you started.
Start With Transparency
People have more respect for organizations and the executives who lead them when there is greater transparency. In particular, show your employees that you’re willing to admit your mistakes rather than look for ways to pass that responsibility off to others. When you acknowledge that you’ve made a mistake and ask for help rectifying the situation, your team will be eager to offer their ideas and assistance in correcting the problem. This type of transparency can lead to better decision-making and more effective processes.
Stop Micromanaging
If you’re the type of leader who keeps a close or critical eye on everything your team does, you may be impeding their efficiency. Instead of micromanaging, you can make a positive impact by taking a step back. Let your employees know you’re willing to help when they run into an obstacle, but, otherwise, let them perform their tasks with greater autonomy. This will give them the freedom to find more efficient ways of getting their work done.
Improve Access to Training and Learning
Your employees will perform better when they feel as though they’re encouraged to learn new skills that will help them advance. You can create this type of learning atmosphere by allowing team members to cross-train within the organization. Additionally, make webinars and online learning available to your employees. This will enable them to learn at their own pace, helping them qualify for advancement in your organization.
You can also make a difference in your organization by taking steps to make a difference in your community. You’ll find that your team’s outlook will improve when they see that you want your organization to do good for others. Many of your employees will be eager to get involved in any philanthropic efforts you wish to pursue, and they will be proud to boast about the good you’re doing for others through your organization.
Article originally published on https://richardsimonchicago.com/making-a-difference-at-your-company/