At MYXfitness, we believe that training your mind is just as important and training your body. That’s why we do both in order to fulfill our mission to provide smarter, simpler ways to healthier, happier lives for everybody. In this quick Mat Chat Monday conversation, two of our coaches got together to talk about how the mind, through meditation, can influence the body — in all good ways.
MYX Coach Bri Butler (@bri_kyrene) is a beautiful ball of energy — and will be the first to tell you that sitting still for any length of time is not her friend. That said, leading the ever-busy life of a professional dancer, performer, and coach, she can feel that stress is no friend either. It’s time to figure out how to make peace with slowing down, and she knows it. But meditation feels like a tall order. Enter MYX Coach Donna Scro Samori (@donnas26). One of our meditation mavens, Donna debunks some meditation myths and clears a path that’s open to everyone — including our very own go-go-go Bri. Hint: Even five minutes is great.