Let’s face it: life can be super stressful. At MYXfitness, we’re clear on the fact that mind and body are connected and stress can negatively impact both. So, we can’t very well be on a mission to provide smarter, simpler solutions that address your holistic wellbeing without a deep understanding of how stress works — and how we can work through it.
Our Director of Fitness, MYX Coach Erika Shannon (@erikashannonmovement), is pretty much as close as we’ll get to having a superhero around the office. But, that doesn’t mean she’s immune to stress. While we all wish we had the superpower to eliminate stress from our lives, we’re in the camp of learning to accept, manage, and reduce it, rather than…stressing ourselves out by trying to fight against it. To get some simple stress-reduction tips, Erika met up with TEDx talker and Today Show guest, Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, to talk through what’s at work in your mind — and your body — when you’re stressed, and how even the tiniest of actions can help turn things around.