Observant, entitled words (‘Chance Encounters’) boldly appear in recognizably small, black font lettering on ‘CNN’s’ website’s lower left hand corner. Once again, serendipity’s celebrated purpose strikes like lightning’s magic.

This column equates a long awaited patience, wanting to work on and pitch towards several publications. A 360 degree’d, mirrored dream suddenly stares back at me in the face. Nothing short of significance’s sign, strengthened coincidence reigns upon the greater psyche. A relatable headline pursues a tunnel’s perpetually brightened hope.

Eventful, situational meetings often navigate rarely, prior communicated circumstances. The same can be said in a thoughtfully wise, weekly newsletter article found thickly hidden in ‘The New Yorker Magazine’s pages. As mentioned by the piece’s author, Clare Sestanovich, ‘There Is No Reason To Run Into Anyone Here,’ a city which easily hosts eight million. However, the rare occurrence is a thorough head scratcher. As presented in the form of a self explainable poem, passing by is seeing anew, a uniquely comparable, beautifully envisioned analogy of ships quickly dodging one another in the pitch black, dark midnight, starry sky.

The chosen opportunity to reunite or perhaps greet for the first time ever after a year and a half long pandemic sits in revered, quietly silent, yet, verbally familiar cues. Origins circumference authentic beginnings. One such compelling story focuses on the start of a chaotic trip readily ventured through and high above Vail, Colorado’s naturally mountainous scenery from a plane’s oval windowed views. Trading wings’ evenly weightless balance for the trusted way of the road and a jointly crowded rental car, quality time bonds once commonly known strangers into now forever friends.

Fortune reads a hometown’s encouraged presence, from television to screen, witnessing a generationally shared, participant wide sport. Friendly competition prospers.

A father and daughter duo’s fate separates within the surmised gap of an extended 27 year span. Two sisters frequent similar (though shorter). Existent are health scares, both fixable via an intense pair of brain surgeries. Oh, summer’s pivoted tales. No matter the small detail, the rallied question of ‘what if’s curiosities still remain.
