Learning new things, overcoming obstacles and hurdles, Roman has topped the real estate industry in present times.
Born in a small country of Belarus, on April 23, 1994. Roman wasn’t an average kid as he dreamt of getting himself gifted with a business suit while other kids of his age were craving for toys and gifts. The traits of an upcoming entreprenuer were observed in him at an early stage. When his family moved to the U.S., he developed interest in sports like football and track. During his high school days, he started putting efforts into being fit which resulted in him breaking multiple records in squatting and bench press. At an age of 13, he started his first unofficial job of painting houses at the Sioux Falls, later on during summer and when not in school he worked odd jobs like McDonald’s and Service master cleaning service. It was during this time working at multiple places earning for his family that he made up his mind to become an entrepreneur, and a successful one at that. Graduating early at an age of 14, he became one of the youngest IT managers at 16 managing all the computer work for 10 car dealerships. Roman a few years later went on to become a top automotive Finance Manager with millions of dollars of sales under his belt.
The transition from him being into automotive business to real estate entrepreneur took place a couple of years back when he was inspired by his friends who were already established real estate businessmen. He raised capital by chipping in his accumulated funds from automotive business to mortgaging a few of his properties, and went ahead to establish his Real Estate Business which has reached soaring heights at present. Roman indulges in various time tested strategies to carry on the marketing activities which keep his business on the top of the game.
Being a young successful entrepreneur that he is today, Roman has travelled to exotic locations and owns an Audi R8. The risks he took in his journey as an entrepreneur has earned him success and an elite life at a young age. During his time car business, he learned many valuable people skills and also developed exceptional communication and sales skills. He then encashed to further scale his business to rocketing heights.
Roman Shapovalov, as a young successful Real Estate entrepreneur, has set an example for youngsters that there is no age limit to become successful and urges aspiring entrepreneurs to take risks, and give your best shot, until you reach the top.