The Mental Benefits
- Reduces stress.
- Decreases fear and anxiety.
- Promotes a sense of well-being.
- Increases positive emotions and optimism.
- Reduces mental dullness.
- Relieves the pain of physical suffering and pain.
- Decreases or prevents the symptoms of mood disorders.
- Strengthens relationships and the immune system.
- Reduces loneliness.
- Reduces negative emotions.
- Eliminates physical fatigue.
- Affirms your positive character traits and beliefs.
- Promotes mental clarity.
- Attends to a number of other physical benefits such as increased breathing and heart rate, sleep, and stamina.
- The Physical Benefits
- Body relaxation.
- Stimulation of the body’s own natural healing abilities.
- Rejuvenation of cells and organs.
- Physical fitness.
- Creates an energy boost for exercising and doing things.
What Happens To Your Body During Meditation
If you want to learn how to meditate, your only obstacle is time and confidence. For a long time, my mental health was nothing to shout about. Medication was my only way of dealing with my mind and body but I wanted to do something about it. After dabbling with meditation at home, I purchased a Pure Meditation Kit and have been enjoying it ever since.1,2,3,4 and then my next-door neighbor heard me mentioning it and invited me along to her session. I tried meditation with her, experienced a release and then, through encouragement from my neighbour, I returned and have enjoyed meditation every week since.
How To Meditate?
Method To Use:
In the first few minutes of meditating you should try to clear your mind and get into a peaceful and relaxed state. Do not let your mind wander off. Use your breathing and concentration to get into a controlled state. Your breathing should be rhythmic and in time with the cadence of your heartbeat. Stop and get back to the counting. If your mind wanders away from the counting, try to re-enter the counting. Think of a white light. It is better not to think of anything. Just meditate for 3 minutes.
Practice for a few minutes, and in this way you will be getting used to meditation.
The Connection Between Meditation And Health
I’m not just making this stuff up
One study found that participants who attended 12-15 hours of yoga classes were 28% less likely to get sick
Moreover, students who take part in yoga classes in college were 36% less likely to smoke compared to those who didn’t.
The Mental Health Benefits of Meditation
- Relieves stress
- Makes you feel calm and less fearful
- Helps you feel in control of your emotions
- Improves sleep
- Helps you relieve anxiety, stress, and other common mental health issues
- Restores focus and reduces mental distractions
- Makes you more compassionate, less judgmental, and more attuned to others
- Will improve your brain health
- Will strengthen your immune system
- The goal of meditation is to help you relax and improve your mental focus.
Taking a break from running after an ultra or completing a marathon can be challenging. And at first glance, the thought of taking a month-long break from running would certainly leave me with an emotional battle.
The first thing that comes to my mind is: “How in the world will I do without running for an entire month?”
Second, how will I maintain motivation throughout this month without my long run? I have always felt this urge to run in the morning to overcome the dark and gloomy thoughts that plague my mind throughout the day. But how will I prepare for my long runs?