Modern life has transformed the human concept that had been existing throughout the centuries. Luxury has its own price to be paid by those who want to enjoy it. In the decades before the 1860s, people were slaves to their fellow men. Now they are bound to an indispensable cycle that is euphemistically called a 9-to-5 routine.
Almost all of us tend to follow this routine inflexibly, if not for luxury, then for our survival. And by following this course of action incessantly, we are able to get a little better than what slaves would get after the toils of a laborious day.
But should it be the end of one’s life, especially when life has a lot more to offer to us?
Life challenges With a Disability
Indeed, modern life has been tough for most of us, even tougher for those with some kind of disability. For instance, take the life of a 30-year-old Canadian that may bring some optimism among many who complain about the challenges of life.
Michael Peres, known on social media as Mikey Peres, was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) when he was nine. Despite his physical condition that makes it almost impossible to focus or learn, he managed to find a way to learn.
Now, the persons with ADHD condition have an example that if they cannot maintain focus in the classroom, they can self-learn as Peres did. Disability is no more a barrier, nor an excuse in the way of success.
Whether out of personal convenience or for the general welfare, Peres managed to develop the art of business as an alternative to the 9-to-5 traditional routine. He had long realized that working in a corporate sector in an office environment was not the most conducive atmosphere for his life-style that was defined by his personal condition.
So, he carved out an innovative opportunity from a physical condition over which he had no control. His alternative was a working solution that turned work from a boring routine to something worth living for.
Today, Peres is managing two tech-based companies Hex Tiger and Hecto Fox, alongside a multitude of other startups. More interestingly, he is managing these startups while not reclining at the office, but on the wheels beneath his feet.
He is an eternal traveler.
Breaking 9-to-5 in the Post-Pandemic World?
Life was never easy, and the arrival of the coronavirus made it even more challenging. Since March this year, and also before it began to shape the world, it has become even harder to survive both physically and economically. Until now, August of 2020, 782,000 deaths have taken place globally due to the virus, according to CNN.
Most of the conventional businesses have been disrupted by the pandemic-led responses that saw the governments closing down most non-essential forms of businesses.
But Peres had never been busier before the pandemic started. He believes the Covid-19 has been a great time for him to introspect on his business offerings to assess if they are truly adaptable to unprecedented changes.
He suggests this is the right time to improve communication, not only with clients but also with colleagues. It is also the right time to review the traditional 9-to-5 approach.
Some more actionable tips also include a few pieces of advice from one of Michael Peres’s guests on his podcast. While speaking on the platform, tech entrepreneur Paulius Gedrikas noted that professionals should remain productive amid the pandemic that led them to work from home.
Another essential tip that the guest shared is the time-management and reliable communication tools that can be used to increase work efficiency. Yet another way is to ensure productivity by replicating the office environment at home.
As working from home could be distracting for many people who had been used to a conventional 9-to-5 office environment. Another helpful way could be by dedicating a separate workspace at home. In addition, self-discipline is the key to neutralizing the distractions emanating from a work-from-home setting.
One of the most useful ways for ensuring desired productivity is by making a to-do-list or using sticking notes on your cupboard a night before to remain focused on your next day’s goals.
By following this, professionals can ensure they are not the victims of the pandemic that restricted their lives behind closed doors. Indeed, Peres had been doing that before the pandemic came.
You can do it by following Peres and many like him who have refused to be bound themselves in a 9-to-5 routine.