In case you haven’t noticed, Millennials are quite the force to be reckoned with. Amid all the stereotypes they unfairly have to contend with, this is a generation that has gone above and beyond to rise above the challenges and criticisms that come their way.

They are motivated by purpose and principle. They value work-life balance more than any other generation. They see the world through a different perspective drastically different to that of Baby Boomers, allowing them to place value on financial stability, but never at the expense of personal wellbeing. Millennials are risk takers. To some, it might make them seem flighty; but really it demonstrates a level of self-awareness where the importance of personal fulfillment is paramount. They look for opportunities to contribute to the workforce, but make sure that they can live a full, balanced life that allows them to spend time with loved ones, grow, as well as connect to a bigger purpose. And by 2025, they’re going to makeup as much as 75 percent of the workforce.

Quite simply, millennials matter—something Ashley Spedale recognized quite early on.

“When I realized this, it prompted me to leave a six-figure job in the personal grooming industry, working as a freelance makeup artist and lash specialist in New York City. I was a millennial who understand the way this generation thinks, who had the same fears, worries, and drive to make their mark in the world. I saw an opportunity to coach some of the world’s brightest women anchored on values that we all inherently shared,” Spedale explains.

Despite the fact that women social media entrepreneurs are often perceived as frivolous versus serious business owners, Ashley chose to embrace everything that she loved about being a Spiritual Branding Mentor and a Visibility and Confidence Expert. Behind her trademark hot pink tresses was a seasoned entrepreneur with experience across businesses in the creative, food, fashion and lifestyle industry. Her solid CEO experience means she can leverage on strategic business experience for women trying to break into the industry and amplify their personal brand. And as a member of the same generation that is constantly underestimated, she shares the same drive to prove everyone wrong about millennials.

“My experience in business means I can deal with risks in a strategic and calculated way so you can take informed and positively transformative risks for your own business. I demonstrated my ability to follow through on this approach when I left a lucrative career in the beauty industry to be a DJ, make a name for myself as an influencer, and as a CEO for my coaching and mentorship business,” she shares.

One of the biggest challenges that millennials face as they struggle to get their businesses off the ground is the self-doubt. They’re up against a whole world who would rather focus on their preconceived impressions of millennials than lift them up and support them. Spedale is no stranger to this kind of adversity. In fact, she’d be the first to admit that she knows firsthand what it’s like to face fear and deal with self-sabotage. And this made it that much harder to take the risks she needed to take to become a better business woman.

It’s because she knows and experienced all these things for herself that she’s so effective as a mentor. As a fellow millennial, Spedale is able to design coaching programs that equip young, social media fempreneurs with the tools, skills, and support they need to be more confident in making decisions, creating business opportunities, and overcoming challenges.

“My vision covers everything from brand growth to professional and personal fulfillment. I want to help you define your personal brand by digging deep and understanding your values and transformations you need to make in your life to succeed. I want to focus on building up your confidence, knowing that you are supported and empowered by a mentor who understands everything you’re going through,” Spedale ends.

The result? A business approach that combines personal authenticity and branding solutions that work to define your rising brand as a force to be reckoned with through actionable steps and one-on-one mentoring.