I am thrilled and deeply honored to announce that Sprinklr has been selected as a Workplace Wellness Award Winner for Mental Wellness by a leading communications and public relations firm, Ragan Communications.

At Sprinklr, we understand that normalizing the conversation around mental health is a large part of achieving mental wellness for all. Leadership plays a huge role in de-stigmatizing the conversation around mental wellness and we encourage employees to actively pursue their mental wellbeing in ways that speak to them, while modeling mental wellness ourselves.

Whether it’s our own employees, famous Olympic athletes such as Michael Phelps or Simone Biles, or members of our own family, more people are getting comfortable with sharing their mental challenges, and importantly, seeking help. It’s on each of us to create a safe place where people feel they can be vulnerable and share. One of my favorite family traditions is to go around the dinner table and share the answer to two questions: 1) What was your high for the day; and 2) What was your learning (often associated with the low for the day)? I realize now just how powerful this tradition was, creating a “you get all of me” culture where each family member shared openly and vulnerably. What a world this would be if we all supported and encouraged each other to show up “as we are” with no judgment!

Mental wellness is one of the pillars of our wellbeing program — “Winning with Wellbeing.” Our wellbeing portfolio leverages our teams dedicated to Culture Transformation, Learning & Development, and Benefits to support a multi-faceted approach to mental wellness. Our goal is to ensure a healthy body, mind, heart, and soul throughout the employee life cycle — ranging from preventative care to clinical care.

An employee who participated in our Happier Program — Sprinklr’s mindfulness course designed to give employees a framework for happier living — had this to share:

I loved the Happier Program because it made me feel that I was not alone. Even during this pandemic when nothing was certain and we didn’t know what was going to happen to us tomorrow, this program kept me going. It kept me alive — it ensured that I was breathing well and doing all the right things — ensuring that I had a better day the next from the one that I was getting through. – Soumitro Chakraborty, Sprinklr Wellbeing Champion

We know that company culture is ever-evolving and adjustments are necessary as workforce needs change. For companies to thrive, an investment in wellbeing is essential. For example, the suffering caused by the pandemic has given employees perspective. They now want to live in a world in which they can have it all. Integrated wellbeing is a business imperative that all workplace culture innovators must plan for because employees are no longer willing to make the tradeoff between work and their personal lives.

While we never could have predicted the global pandemic that is stretching human resiliency to its limits, we had the infrastructure in place to build on in order to help our employees remain resilient. Where do we go from here?

At Sprinklr, our wellbeing strategy will continue to focus heavily on taking care of the mental wellbeing of our employees — building a culture where people can be at their personal and professional best. Our focus will be on:

  • Maintaining resiliency during return-to-office transitions
  • Preventing employee exhaustion and burnout
  • Boosting leadership support
  • Educating employees about workplace stress and mental illness

I am excited for the day that we talk about mental health in the same way we talk about fixing a broken bone, treating cancer, or managing diabetes. It’s fast approaching and I am thrilled!

We know that when our people are at their best, we are at our best. This is what it means to “treat employees like family” — one of our cultural aspirations.

Greatness begins with you! When you give yourself permission to take care of yourself first, your energy to make a difference for others will be exponential!

To learn more about The Sprinklr Way and our open roles, please visit our careers page here.


  • Diane K. Adams

    Chief Culture + Talent Officer


    A global “culture and talent” expert who builds high-performing organizations across technology verticals. Proven track-record of scaling businesses that in turn, have doubled, tripled, and increased their revenue streams 10x, during tenures at three separate public companies.Passionate about inspiring and enabling people and companies to achieve excellence, and motivated by helping others reach their potential – both personally, and professionally. Interested in learning more about Diane's journey and career? Here is a link to her book "It Takes More than Casual Fridays and Free Coffee" “Get the culture right….and everyone has the opportunity to be extraordinary.”