It’s More than Looks and Appearances that Attract You
In this fascinating world of innovative music, stunning fashion, eccentric new looks, and digital methods of expression, we are often mesmerized by the physical appearances of things. Stop and consider the amazing images we share with one another every day. Music videos. YouTube clips. Instagram messages. And photographs. Ahh, yes, the photographs! Foods. Sunrises. Sunsets. Mountains. Rivers. Beaches. Animals. You get the picture (pun intended).
Now stop and consider that there is a lot more to what we see than meets the eye. In fact, everything we see with our physical eyes is over 99.9% empty space. That glorious mountain. That riveting sea. That rising moon. That graceful butterfly. That beautiful celebrity. That delicious plate of pasta. Just ask your favorite physicist. At the atomic level, everything physical is predominantly empty space. Take an atom, for example, and enlarge it to the size of the Superdome. The nucleus of the atom is now the size of a grain of sand on the 50-yard line, while the electron circles the outside of the stadium. The rest? It appears to be empty space.
So, what are we really seeing, and experiencing, when we are wowed by an image, a person, or a sound? What is it that we are connecting with? The answer in a word is energy. We are feeling something that is unseen. We are resonating with an energetic frequency, like a song on the radio. Some will enjoy it, because it resonates with their “vibe.” Others will not like it and may even change the channel to find something that appeals to them. How beautiful is that? Can you imagine this world if everyone were the same?
Contrast is exciting and enriching. And it serves as a positive teaching aid, too. How are we supposed to know up without down, or day without night? Thus, the more we can learn to appreciate and respect diversity, in one another and in the multitude of expressions we see day to day, the more at peace we can be. This is the essence of miracle-minded thinking and behavior. The Miracle-Minded Manager™ sees beyond the physical. She recognizes the sacred light in others, and she lights up the room because others now see the sacred light in her. What goes around comes around. She knows that her perception of the world and her “vibration” is the only thing she really has any control over. So, she manages her “signal” in a loving, helpful, kind and generous way. She appears as a ray of light in a dark and frightening world because she lets go of criticism, judgement and condemnation. She embodies joy and enthusiasm and hope, fully aware that she could join in the “misery loves company” crowd if she so chooses. Some may call this charm or charisma or inspiration. It doesn’t really matter what we call it. We know it when we feel it. Some people, without even saying a word, simply bring us hope and joy and renewed faith because they are present.
We also know now that we can measure it. The late Dr. David Hawkins did brilliant work on this, ultimately developing a “Map of Consciousness.” Put simply, Dr. Hawkins used a method called Applied Kinesiology to test and measure the various energetic frequencies of everything from animals to songs to books to vegetables and to people. With people, he measured the frequencies of feelings like shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, pride, courage, acceptance, love, joy, bliss and enlightenment. In other words, we send out a signal – a vibration – everywhere we go, and it is this signal that is the only thing we really have any control over. We have no control over anyone else’s signal – only our own. And we can change our signal by changing our minds about things. This is the essence of miracle-minded management. When we shift our thinking about someone or something, we shift our vibration, and when we shift our vibration, we alter our experiences in the world. Think of this like changing the radio channel from an angry, violent song to a relaxing, soothing song. Or, turning off a news story of something horrible and negative, and taking a walk on a beach or sitting in a garden, listening to songbirds rejoicing to life. Peace is ever-present. All we need to do is tap into it.
Once we begin to realize that we live in a field of energy, and we are energetic (spiritual) beings – beyond physical time and space, we can begin to manage ourselves in more miraculous ways. A Course in Miracles defines a miracle as a shift in perception, a correction of wrong-minded thinking. It is something we all have the capacity to do. We just need to surrender the root cause to our problems – the fear-based, dualistic ego thought system, and awaken to an alternative that is always right in front of us. A shift at this level changes everything. A shift at this level turns the mundane into the miraculous. A shift at this level attracts more beauty into our lives by sharing more beauty with others.