Entrepreneur, model and mom Miranda Kerr is one of those people who seems to effortlessly juggle everything on her plate. But in a new interview with My Domaine, Kerr explains that taking care of herself and setting boundaries with technology are key to making her life work.

In the piece, written by Sacha Strebe, Kerr emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive relationship with one important person: herself. “Just be kind to yourself, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Whether it’s exercise, reading a book, or 10 minutes of meditation, it’s important to look after yourself and have some ‘me’ time to avoid burnout,” Kerr tells My Domaine.

The wife of SnapChat CEO Evan Spiegel and mother to 6-year-old son Flynn also spoke to Strebe about disconnecting from technology when she’s with her son.

“It’s important I put down my phone and connect with him and ask how his day was, what he did, and anything new he learned,” Kerr tells Strebe. “It’s so easy for us to get caught up in trying to do 100 things at once, but they know when you’re distracted, and as adults, we know how it feels not to be heard.”

In addition to putting the phone down while parenting, Kerr also keeps technology out of her sleep routine. (So no, she’s not working on her Snapstreak before she goes to bed.) “Turn the Wifi off, and don’t take phones or laptops to bed.Your bedroom should be your sanctuary and a calm space. I also like to have a cup of calming tea, take a bath, and do a meditation to help unwind,” Kerr says.

With a great deal of research showing how screens before bed negatively impact your sleep, Kerr may find herself serving as the face of a brand new campaign: tech-free bedtime. 

Read Kerr’s full interview in My Domaine.