Music can raise someone’s mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. Music also – and this is important – allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives. The possibilities are endless says Moy.
While every country has it’s own language(s), there’s only one language we can all understand: the language of music. We don’t even need words to understand what music is saying. Every year I see a lot of different people from a lot of different countries attending festivals. When the music is being played, it seems every one understands what’s coming out of the speakers and they just start dancing to it. Music plays a very important role in bringing people together. Whether it’s a festival, concert or a club night, people come together to enjoy the music that’s being played. I’ve had the privilege to attend a few big festivals in Europe, and it’s amazing to see the amount of people coming from different countries in the whole world, just to be part of the experience.
With influences from both reggae and classic hip-hop, he has successfully combined the two styles putting him in a league of his own. He has an impressive tracklist of songs, and his fan base is growing every day. Today Moy Baun is making himself a familiar name in the music industry, steadily gaining attention with his new single “Chances”.
Growing up in Queens, New York was no walk in the park, but he appreciates all the grit and toughness it instilled in him. Moy Baun says in those most difficult moments, it’s not where he found out who he was, but it’s where he decided who he wanted to become. He lives for those kinds of moments, and he’s always willing to take a chance to bet on himself.
He describes the battles he faced and how he overcame them by focusing on his blessings and remaining resilient through all the negativity. His whole life, he’s been taking chances to make his dreams come true. That’s what “Chances” is all about. He wants people to know they can do anything they want as long they are willing to take risks. You have to risk it all to have it all.
Moy Baun’s creativity and realness will keep him on a track headed to the top, where he plans to stay for a long time. The music video for “Chances” is steadily gaining views on Youtube, gathering nearly one hundred thousand views. Go and check it out, and expect to see more of Moy Baun soon!
Music is an extremely unique way to develop the capability of memorising. The best example to prove this sentence is, that you can easily learn songs rather than learning your syllabus. The reason behind learning a song quickly is that your mind enjoys music. Whatever your minds enjoy, it preserves it.
Thus, music is said to be a good option to learn new things quickly.
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