Music plays a very important and vital role in the lives of people. Music fuels the mind and thus fuels our creativity. A Creative mind has the ability to make discoveries and create innovations. The greatest minds and thinkers like Albert Einstein, Mozart, and Frank Lloyd Wright all had something in common in that they were constantly exploring their imagination and creativity.
Listening to instrumental music challenges one to listen and tell a story about what one hears. In the same sense, playing a musical instrument gives you the ability to tell a story without words. Both require maximum right brain usage which not only exercises one’s creativity but also one’s intellect.
Music to the ear is sometimes a great therapy and many people even choose to listen to great music after a hard day. The mind loves to relax in different ways and music can be one of the most healing processes for any stressed mind. Arun Gaikwad is one such musician cum percussionist who has healed many souls through his music.
While every country has it’s own language(s), there’s only one language we can all understand: the language of music. We don’t even need words to understand what music is saying. Every year I see a lot of different people from a lot of different countries attending festivals. When the music is being played, it seems everyone understands what’s coming out of the speakers and they just start dancing to it.
Arun was born and raised in Mumbai, Maharashtra and started his career as a full-time tabla artist playing in Bhajan’s, Santwani, and Dayro with organizers like Bhajanik Laxman Barot, Lokgayak – Kirtidan Gadhvi, Osman Mir, Tejdan Gadhvi, and many others.